Stiffer penalties to deal with graffiti.
In a new drive to discourage graffiti the senates justice commission has suggested more severe penalties for people caught defacing public and private property.
Depending on the offence culprits could risk a fine of up to 2,582, house arrest, or up to six months of cleaning defaced public utilities.
Those caught painting graffiti on private property could be fined between 258 and 2,582, be placed under house detention from six to 30 days, or be given a sentence of from ten days to three months of public service.
In the case of people who deface historic and artistic sites the proposed penalties are even tougher, with fines ranging from 774 to 2,582, house detention from 20 to 45 days, or one to six months of public service.
Minors found guilty of defacing property or in possession of paint spray-cans will be subject from one to six days' house detention.
The proposals come at a time when Rome is experiencing a continued wave of vandalism on historical monuments. The city administration is considering installing more cameras and motion detectors at all historic sites and monuments.
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