Taxis target the Notte Bianca.
For the third year running, on 17 September, Romes all-night happening, the Notte Bianca (White Night), will see the citys museums, parks, galleries, theatres, cinemas, sports centres, shopping centres, libraries, nightclubs and much more stay open around the clock. Some two million visitors took part last year, using all-night public transport to move freely about the city and get back home at any time. While the citys main public transport services metro, bus and tram are all scheduled to run, Romes taxi drivers are yet to confirm their participation. Their representatives want the mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, to extend a ban on drivers and car-hire firms registered outside Rome from operating in the citys zona a traffico limitato (restricted traffic zone) in the historic centre. They want the city to fine unauthorised drivers whereas the mayors office says the current notification scheme is only intended to monitor the phenomenon not punish those involved. For their part, the non-Rome based drivers, mainly from other parts of Lazio, say the system is unnecessary and amounts to unfair treatment by the authorities.
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