The perfect passeggiata.
Villa Strohl Fern is currently open to the public on alternate Sundays until the end of October. The 80 sqm-park between Villa Borghese, the Galleria dArte Moderna and the Etruscan museum was bought by French nobleman Alfred Wilhelm Strohl in 1879. It is now the grounds of the French Chateaubriand school. Entrance to the park is from Viale Madama Letizia.
Visitors can follow an itinerary that takes them to the Studio Trombadori, the tunnel of roses, the Casino Principale and the many former studios of artists who stayed at the villa over the years. It finishes at the belvedere point.
Visits are four times a day on the following Sundays: 17 and 31 July, 14 and 28 Aug, 11 and 25 Sept, 9 and 23 Oct, at 10.00, 11.30, 15.00 and 16.30. Admission is free but booking is necessary. For more information and to book tel. 0682077304.
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