The skiway code
A new law aims to increase safety levels on Italys ski-slopes. Under regulations just approved by the Senate, children under 14 will have to wear a helmet while skiing otherwise they will get a fine of 30 to 150. Priority goes to the skier coming from the right, and overtaking is allowed only if it does not hamper the other skier. Practitioners of the sport will also have to learn to regulate their speed according to weather and slope conditions, and in case of a fall they must move to the side of the slope as quickly as possible. If they fall in the middle of a run other skiers must to stop to help them. The law encompasses a series of penalties for the most reckless skiers, but the sanctions will not be decided for several months and the law will not come into force until 2005. The onus is not all on the skier however. Ski resorts must guarantee safe conditions on runs and ski-lifts, and well be required to adopt a standard set of signs on all ski-slopes. They can also ban snowboarders on certain runs, even temporarily, and will have to create specific areas dedicated to users of boards and sledges.
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