Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
6 Nations 2025

Top business sites.

A list of the top 80 websites of Italian businesses has been published by a Swedish company, Halvarsson and Halvarsson, in collaboration with the Financial Times and the Corriere della Sera newspapers. The list takes into account the top 80 public companies, and the ratings are based on a series of criteria for which a maximum of 100 points is awarded. According to Halvarsson and Halvarsson anything less than 50 points indicates an inadequate level of communication.

The criteria are divided into two. The first is content, which includes financial, company and contact information. The second is technology; interactivity, accessibility, search engines and language. A full version in English is considered important in order that the site may be consulted by international financiers.

Of the 80 Italian companies only 18 have achieved 50 points or more. Top of the list is the insurance company RAS, with 81 points, followed by Eni, the state hydrocarbons holding with 75,5 points, Merloni, manufacturer of domestic appliances with 62 points, Benetton the fashion and clothing company (60,75 points) and the cell-phone operator Tim (60,5 points).

A full European classification will be released by the Financial Times and Corriere della Sera on 3 November.

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