Tough traffic fines proposed.
New fines for traffic offences are due to come into force in Italy if parliament converts a government proposal into law by the end of August. The fine for driving while under the influence of drink or drugs is expected to be set at 2,500. Fines for car owners who do not disclose who was driving their car when an offence was committed are also expected to rise to 2,500 from the 1,376 that was set by the high court earlier in the year.
Offenders driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs have to face a court case where the fine is set and the drivers licence can be revoked. Anyone found guilty of such an offence has it marked on his or her criminal record, a document that often has to be produced to find employment or open a business.
The fine for car owners who do not disclose who was at the wheel of their car when a traffic offence was committed, is designed to ensure that vehicle owners come clean about who was driving.
All Italian motorists have 20 points on their licence, which they forfeit according to the traffic offence they commit. When they lose all 20 points their licence is confiscated until they have taken another driving test.
An Italian court ruled earlier in the year that points could be deducted from a driving licence only if the identity of the person driving the vehicle when the offence was committed could be established. Hence the new, hefty fine.
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