Transplant table
Emilia Romagna has the highest number of organ donors in Italy at 34.3 per million inhabitants, according to the national transplant centre, while Sicily has the lowest with just 6.4. Lazio lies in 14th place in the national table with 9.7 donors per million inhabitants. On a national level, Italy occupies third place in Europe, with 18.1 organ donors per million inhabitants in 2002, compared with 33.7 in Spain and 20 per million in France, and against a European average of 17 per million inhabitants. The figure represents a positive trend In Italy, which in 1995 languished in second-to-last place in Europe, but waiting lists for organs are still long: an average 3.1 years for a kidney, 2.8 years for a lung, 2.3 years for a heart and 1.3 years for a liver.
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