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Public transport strikes are scheduled for Rome on 7-8 July. On 7 July there are possible stoppages until the end of service called by the grass-roots members of the independent unions Cub, Cobas and Sdl in protest aga...
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State railway company Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) has sold the Air Terminal Ostiense for just under
As of 14 June, special offers, discounts and timetable changes came into effect on train travel for the coming summer months. The
The city council has decided to hand control of Rome
A fire at the ATAC bus depot in Via delle Mura Portuensi in Trastevere destroyed 30 electric minibuses in the early hours of the morning on 3 May. It is the only depot in Rome which stores the buses running on electrical...
Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) is offering 15 to 60 per cent discounts on 12 high-speed railway routes in order to gain an dvantage over the airlines on travel between Italy's largest cities. Discounts are on a sliding scale...
The city council has approved a plan to fuse Rome's three public transport companies, Atac Spa, Met.Ro Spa and Trambus Spa. According to the plan, parent company Atac, which oversees planning and development of Rome's pu...
A budget proposal to increase the price of bus, tram and metro tickets is set to be approved on the evening of 26 March. Alemanno
The operator of the Rome biking sharing service, Roma
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There will be a 24-hour national rail strike from 21.00 on Saturday 14 March to the same time on Sunday 15 March. Ferrovie dello Stato says the strike will only affect short-haul trains not medium and long-distance ones....
The government has proposed a new law intended to limit the inconvenience posed by transport strikes. Drafted by minister of health, labour and social services Maurizio Sacconi, the law would require unions calling a st...
Unions representing the public transport sector have canceled strikes planned for 19 and 20 February. Rome public transport operator ATAC ensures service as normal on all city bus, metro and urban railway lines. For more...
Authorities behind the new airport at Viterbo, which is intended to replace Ciampino as Rome
Four labour unions representing workers in a variety of sectors of the economy have declared a general service strike on 12 Dec. The CGIL, which is the largest labour union in Italy and the SUL, an independent union repr...
Labour unions have suspended a public transport strike planned for 12 Dec in Rome and Lazio after severe storms and flooding on 11 Dec caused a number traffic pileups and automobile accidents. The strike
Rome city council has announced a holiday traffic regime intended to reduce traffic and facilitate shopping in the historic centre. From 6 to 24 December, day-time traffic restrictions into the centre known as the ZTL...
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