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Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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The city department of transportation has announced that the area formerly occupied by the market on the northeast end of the Ponte Milvio bridge is to become a parking lot. The new lot will have around 100 parking space...
Transport minister Altero Matteoli has ordered unions to postpone a railway strike planned for Friday 28 November. After a major strike in the public transport sector on 6 Nov brought much of Italy to a halt, the transpo...
6 Nations 2025
The province of Rome registered the highest number of automobile fatalities in Italy in 2007, agree studies by the Italian Automobile Club (ACI) and national statistics agency (ISTAT). Over 344 people died on the provi...
The government is seeking an injunction against some 200 Alitalia employees, mainly pilots and flight assistants, after a 24-hour wildcat strike between 10 and 11 Nov. The strike was declared at 17.00 on 10 November to b...
Alitalia pilots and flight assistants have announced a series of strikes, 15 in total between 25 Nov and 26 May, to protest the new employment contracts laid out by the consortium of investors comprising the Compagnia Ae...
The city has launched a campaign against drivers who invade lanes reserved for buses and taxis. Special traffic controllers from public transport companies Trambus and Tevere Tpl, will be patrolling streets with bus an...
A national public transport strike has been called for 24 hours on Monday 10 November. The strike, which has already been dubbed by some of the Italian dailies as
New excavations are scheduled in Piazza Venezia before a decision can be made on possible sites there for the planned metro C station and its exits. The centre of new activity will be in front of the church of Madonna di...
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
FiR 320 x 480 H3
National railway operator, Trenitalia, has suspended a new policy planned to come into force 1 October that would place a six kilogram weight limit on dogs travelling aboard trains and require smaller dogs to be transpor...
National railway operator, Trenitalia, has announced a new policy placing a six kilogram weight limit on dogs travelling aboard trains and requiring smaller dogs to be transported inside closed carriers. Seeing-eye dogs...
Labour unions have called off a railway strike planned for 26 Sept. Trenitalia says that all regular service will continue as scheduled. For more information see or tel. 892021 (
Labour unions representing railway workers have declared a strike for Friday 26 Sept. The strike will last from 09.00 to 17.00. The
The government has introduced new rules for bars and nightclubs across Italy in an effort to stem drink-driving and alcohol-induced road accidents among clients especially at weekends. Under a decree passed on 30 July...
On 15 September the new parking rules announced in early August go into effect. The parking ticket machines (
Long-awaited street repairs on Via Nazionale are creating traffic pileups on one of Rome
From 5 September night time traffic restrictions in areas known as the ZTL (Zona Traffico Limitato) will begin again in the historical centre, Testaccio, and Monti. They have been enforced in S. Lorenzo since 3 September...
Ryanair has announced that it will begin cancelling tickets bought from any web site other than its own. Around 1,000 bookings of the 20,000 made each day across Europe are made through third party websites. In Italy dur...
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