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Taxi drivers across Italy are set to strike on 31 May in the second day of industrial action this month. In Rome taxi drivers will also be taking part in a march starting at 09.00 from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza S...
The building site for the S. Giovanni stop on the future C line of Rome
Temple ASAP
The city council has introduced a trial limited traffic zone (Ztl) in the Testaccio area of Rome, which is home to many of the city
The fifth edition of
By the end of July, new ticket barriers requiring ticket holders to run their passes over an electronic reader will be installed in all metro A and B stations eliminating the open passageway for season ticket holders alt...
Alitalia flight crew will strike for 24 hours on Thursday 3 May over ongoing contract renewal negotiations with the result that the airline has had to cancel 356 of the 711 flights scheduled for the day. Of these, 20...
From April 25, getting to the seaside will be easier for city dwellers. Atac, Rome
Tevere Tpl, the company that runs 76 predominantly suburban bus lines in Rome, is striking from 08.30-12.30 on Monday 16 April. Around 71 lines are at risk. For a full list, see www.atac.roma.it. Other city centre buses...
Following an early April announcement to prolong the Metro B1 line to Piazzale Jonio, in Prati Fiscali, city superintendent of transportation Mauro Calamante, together with Roma Metropolitane Spa, have decided to scrap p...
A series of airport and train strikes have been announced in April and May, starting off with a national train strike by all trade unions on Friday 13 April between 9.00 and17.00. An Alitalia strike, still to be confirm...
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Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
6 Nations 25
Russian flagship airline Aeroflot has been revealed as the surprise partner in Italian bank Unicredit
Rome city council has announced a modernisation project for the urban rail line that runs from Piazzale Flaminio to Montebello in the suburbs of northern Rome. Currently the station at Piazzale Flaminio acts as the termi...
The first building site for Rome
Employees of Tevere Tpl S.c.a.r.l., which runs part of the suburban bus network in Rome have called a 24-hour strike on Friday 29 March. Services will run as normal between the guaranteed times, from the start of service...
060609 is the new, one-stop call centre number for finding a taxi in Rome, set up by the city council. As from 13 March
The cabinet has approved a package of laws in an effort to improve road safety in Italy after 42 people died in car accidents over the weekend of 2-4 March. The country holds one of the worst road safety records in Europ...
Senior citizens resident in Rome with an annual gross income not exceeding
Around 80 more passenger flights a day may be scheduled at Rome
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