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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Magistrates in Rome are investigating irregularities regarding fines issued by assistant traffic police in the city. The complaints include fines being given to the same car in two different areas of the city at the same...
Sunday 7 November will be the last traffic free day in Rome for this year. The historic centre is closed to all traffic, even that of residents, from early morning to early evening on these ecological Sundays, as well as...
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The Fiat 500, the car which was launched in 1957 and became an Italian legend, has been declared exempt from the anti-pollution laws on Italian cars under 1000 ccs and over 25 years old. The Fiat motor company made 3. 2...
According to figures on road accidents released by Urban Audit, which collects information on the living conditions in189 cities in the 15 European Union countries, Rome is the most dangerous of the 15 capital cities exa...
Italys transport trade unions have announced a national public transport strike on Friday 22 October from 08.30-17.00 and from 20.00-24.00. Normal services are only guaranteed between 04.10-08.29 and 17.00-20.00. The sto...
The Rome councillor responsible for traffic, Mario Di Carlo, has announced that measures will soon be taken to discourage the entrance of big four-wheel-drive vehicles into the city centre. The vehicles, which take up mo...
From 15 Oct Rome's Trastevere area will be closed to traffic every Fri-Sat evening between 21.00-03.00 for one year. Rome now has two such zones: S. Lorenzo, near the main railway station, is closed Wed-Sat between 21.00...
On 24 October the Italian Touring Club will celebrate its 110th anniversary with festivities in some of the most important squares in 26 cities throughout Italy. All over the country the TCI will set up stands to welcome...
The Lazio regional government of has just completed a survey of the eight main commuter railway routes to the capital run by Trenitalia. Eight hundred local trains carry 300,000 passengers a day and the survey found that...
Low cost airlines are offering new destinations for travellers to and from Rome and some of the regular airlines have introduced special low price tickets for the low season winter months. Wizz, the Hungarian-based line...
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Rome's metro line A will be closing early from October 2004 to October 2007. The exact date to the start of the project has yet to be announced. The 21.00 closure, which has been announced by Rome's office for mobility,...
The next traffic free day in Rome will be on Sunday 26 September. The "ZTL" the zones of the city where traffic is limited, which includes the historic centre, Trastevere and S. Lorenzo, will be closed to all private c...
Ten new Iveco double-decker buses are to operate on the tourist route 110 in Rome. The roofless red buses have special features that will allow easy boarding, alighting and increased comfort for the disabled. Presentin...
On 15 September there is a 24-hour countrywide local public- transport strike. Rome's city buses and the underground will strike from 8.30-17.00 and then again after 20.00.
Critical Mass is an international event that takes place in more than 200 cities around the world the last Friday of every month. The idea is for a mass of cyclists to take to the roads together in order to force polluti...
Anyone flying from an Italian airport who wishes to be reassured about the reliability of the company they are flying with (particularly charter companies), may now telephone a toll free telephone number: 800 898 121, to...
A survey conducted in Rome in July by the Osservatore sulla mobilit found that of the 286,813 vehicles coming daily into the centre of the city, an area which is restricted to permit holding vehicles, 51 per cent were mo...
The Rome city council has plans to remove all private cars from the central area between the Piazza del Popolo, Via del Babuino and Via di Ripetta and to make Via del Corso a pedestrian precinct. The city's agency respon...
Stricter controls have come into force around Rome to combat the misuse of parking permits for the disabled. The problem has arisen because relatives and friends continue to use these permits even after the death of the...
A joint promotion called "Return home safely" has been launched by the Italian road police, 20 discotheque owners and an association of insurance companies in Lazio, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. The aim of the promotion i...
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