Via Veneto revamp begins.
Work is set to begin on a four-month-long restructuring of Via Veneto on 8 June. The main aim of the project is to reclaim the road, once a symbol of 1960s Dolce Vita but now a characterless traffic artery, as a pleasant place for pedestrians.
Foremost in the plans is the creation of a large and safe passage for pedestrians to cross through the Mura Aureliane from Via Veneto to Villa Borghese. Three arches will be reserved for traffic and the other opening will be for pedestrians only with a large pavement area taking in a section of Piazzale Brasile now being used as a carpark. In addition, the work will include widening pavements along the road by bus stops and traffic crossings, improving street lighting, increasing green areas and flower beds and reorganizing the underground utility lines. There will also be a reorganization of the positioning of bus stops along the road, as well as of the exit from the metro at Piazza Barberini.
City authorities hope the 2.5 million programme will be completed before the first edition of the Rome Cinema Festival, scheduled for 13-21 October.
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