Villa d'Este by night.
The famous villa, gardens and fountains built for Cardinal d'Este in the 16th century have been restored to their former splendour and the night-time opening is back again after 20 years. ACEA, Rome's electricity utility has been responsible for the installation of a new designed to show off the elegance and refinement of the villa and gardens, the water and the decoration of this renaissance masterpiece as simply as possible.
The villa is now open in the evening on Fridays and Saturdays euntil the middle of September, from 21.00 -24.00. Last tickets will be sold at 23.00, price 9. Access will be limited to 2000 people and booking is advisable. The restaurant and the bookshop will be open but there will be no assistance for the disabled, which is only available during the day. For information tel. 199-766166
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