Villa Torlonia limonaia restored.
The restored Limonaia (an orangery, but one designed for lemon trees) in the grounds of the Villa Torlonia has been reopened to the public. It has been turned into a focaccia bar, with tables in the garden for coffee, refreshments and pizza (focaccia). The entrance to the new bar is in the Via Renzo Felice.
The second part of this development, called Technotown, is due to open in the autumn and is a conversion of a mediaeval villa in the grounds of the Villa Torlonia. It will have nine rooms equipped not only with traditional table games for young people but also with sophisticated high-tech equipment, robotics, 3D photography, the possibility of visualising music and creating virtual surroundings. It is designed specifically for young people between 1017 years old.
Villa Torlonia, on the Via Nomentana, used to the official residence of Benito Mussolini. It was then abandoned for several decades and only recently restored by the city.
Villa Torlonia, Via Spallanzani 1. (Limonaia Tues-Sat 10.00-23.00; Sun 10.00-19.00; Mon 17.00-23.00. For more information tel. 068551076. Villino Medioevale Tues-Fri 10.00-14.00; Sat-Sun 10.00-19.00. Mon closed. For more information tel. 0682059127.
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