Watching the British elections in Italy
For British ex-pats in Italy watching the results of the 6 May parliamentary elections at home via satellite, the polls close at 23.00 Italian time and the first results are expected soon after midnight.
Those without satellite coverage or anyone out and about in Rome could try these three pubs, which are organising television coverage for their clients: The Scholars Lounge, Via del Plebiscito 101-6, tel. 0669202208; Finnegans Irish Pub, Via Leonina 66-67, tel. 064747026; Abbey Theatre Irish Pub, Via del Governo Vecchia 51-53, tel. 066861341.
In Milan the British Chamber of Commerce is organising an election event for its members at Four Four Two Sports Pub, Via Proccaccini 61 starting at 22.30.
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