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Smiling H1 - 700x180

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Concerts in St Andrew
15, 17 May 2011. Conducted by Marco Angius, directed by Davide Livermore, with Daniela Bruera, Alda Caiello, Davide Livermore, Roberto Abbondanza.
Marymount - International School Rome
11, 13 May 2011. In Babilonia
Organised by the Teatro dell
5-26 May 2011. Conducted by Giovanni Di Stefano, directed by Francesco Saponaro, with Francesco De Giorni, Filippo Morace, Luciano Saltarelli.
Our second trip into the lesser known areas of Lazio takes us into the Monti Lepini, a straggling rocky chain of hills some 60 kms south of Rome between the Apennines and the Mediterranean. For many centuries people b...
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. 21 May. Concert conducted by Juraj Valcuha, with Alexander Lonquiche piano. Music by R. Strauss and Franck (18.00). Repeated 23 May (21.00), 24 May (19.30).
With a bit of luck, now that the fine weather is coming, you
24-31 May 2011. Conducted by Pinchas Steinberg, directed by Gabriele Lavia, with Dmitriy Beloselskiy, Stefano Rinaldi Miliani, Alessandro Spina, Ezio Maria Tisi, Luca Salsi, Tatiana Serjan.
Until 12 June 2011. Note that G.N.A.M. from its vast holdings of contemporary Italian art, which for a time was huddled together as in an attic, has recently extracted ten nuclei of works of their most outstanding artist...
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
10-15 May 2011. In Cantica II
Museums, galleries, monuments and archaeological sites in Rome and throughout Italy are to open to the public free of charge on the night of Saturday 14 May from 20.00 until 02.00, with last admission at 01.00. The third...
'Art techiniques between traditon and modernity' is opening on Monday, 16 May. Info: 338 340 6545.
The Shopping Villa
A new A1 motorway exit is now open at Castelnuovo di Porto, between the toll barrier Roma Nord and the Settebagni exit. It is proving particularly useful for travellers heading to or from the towns along the Flaminia, l...
14 May 2011. Since moving to Rome in 2000, the ambience and sites of the Eternal City have captured the imagination of Irish artist Andy Devane. His latest exhibition of 22 paintings and illustrations continues his trade...
Let's be contaminated by nature! Come and play with the 4 elements and with our 5 senses. 7euro+admission
The National Institute of Geology and Volcanology in Rome is hosting an open day on 11 May from 10.00-20.00, at which guests can view the monitoring room, meet expert seismologists and observe an interactive earthquake e...
The second edition of National Bicycle Day takes place on Sunday 8 May in Rome and over 2,000 towns and cities across Italy. Organised by the ministry of environment in collaboration with the Italian Cycling Federation a...
The fourth edition of the Roma Wine Festival takes place in the capital on the weekend of 7-8 May. The event showcases the best in Italian wine production, and offers enthusiasts the chance to sample a large range of win...
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360