Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

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3 May 2011. Mauro Bigonzetti
2-9 May 2011. In homage to Italy on the 150th anniversary of unification. Five organ concerts in the splendid settings of the churches of S. Luigi dei Francese and Trinit
Castelli H2 - 724 x 450
28 April-1 May 2011. Rendez Vous, organised in collaboration with the French embassy in Italy, is dedicated to contemporary French cinema. The programme includes 30 French movies from the most popular to the most sophist...
May-June 2011. Following the prestigious annual international rose trials known as the Premio Roma, Rome
4 May 2011. Three Cities in Flux: A survey of urban regeneration in London Milan and Rome. Reinier de Graaf, partner at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, presents a conference and the exhibition
Organised by the Teatro dell
29 April-8 May 2011. The Italian premiere of this Greek opera, first staged in 1957 after the composer
4 May-17 June 2011. An exhibition of analogue and digital photography by Salsburg artist and photographer Anna Schmitzberger who takes visitors on a journey through her travels in the Mediterranean, central Europe and In...
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. 29 April. Concerto in quintetto by Nicola Piovani piano, Marina Cesari sax and clarinet, Pasquale Filast
Concert at Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano. 11 May. Concert conducted by Pietro Mianiti, with Giampietro Giumento clarinet. Music by Bach, Wagner, Mahler (20.30).
RIS H3 1920x190
RIS H3 1920x190
RIS H3 1920x190
RIS H3 320x480
26 April-8 May 2011. In Giselle, choreography by Petipa/Alexandru Frunza. Not be be confused with the Prague Opera Ballet, this company, based in Olomouc, was founded in 2007 by Sergey Iliin and Andrey Scharaev. Members...
28-30 April 2011. In Cinderella, choreography by Jean-Christophe Maillot. Under Maillot's direction, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo has acquired the reputation of a top class international dance company. His
29 April 2011. A cycle of concerts organised by composer Ada Gentile, president of Agimus Rome. The concerts take place in different city venues indicated together with the event. Concert to celebrate the beatification...
On the occasion of the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince William and Catherine (Kate) Middleton in London
7 April-5 June 2011. Poussin e Mos
28 April. Chamber music concert by Gli Archi del Cherubino, with Maria Fabiani and Angelo Persichilli flutes. Music by Bach, Cimarosa, Salieri (21.00). 5 May. Violin and piano recital by Laura Marzadori and Giacomo Ronc...
27 April-8 May 2011. Last Words is the European premiere of a play about the private conversations between God and Moses by New York playwright and author Roy Doliner. Billed as a comedy of biblical proportions revolving...
2 April-1 Nov 2011. Atac, Rome
29 April 2011. Piano recital by Luigi Fracasso. Music by Beethoven, Liszt, Schumann, Chopin (19.30). 6 May. Piano recital by Matteusz Borowiak. Music by Mozart and Chopin (19.30).
3 May. Lilya Zilberstein piano. Music by Brahms, Taneev, Rachmaninov.
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360