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Marymount - International School Rome

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Service at Commonwealth Cemetery in Rome on 11 November. A Remembrance Day service was held on Thursday morning at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery in the Testaccio area of Rome. The service was attend...
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Emergency situation in Agrigento province of Sicily. The Agrigento area of Sicily has been hammered by heavy rains leading to widespread flooding and landslides on the southwest coast of the Italian island. The prefe...
Italian government gets tough with Green Pass protesters. Italy's interior ministry has cracked down on the No Green Pass movement by prohibiting their rallies from city centres, in a bid to protect public health and st...
Ectomobile disappears after comics fair in Tuscany. The legendary Ecto-1 car used in the 1984 movie Ghostbusters has gone missing, presumed stolen, after going on display in the Italian city of Lucca. News of the car...
Move prompted by story of 15-year-old commuter. Ravenna has become the first city in Italy to allow transgender people to select their chosen name to appear on their travel pass. The move was prompted by the story of...
Eitan Biran's grandfather is accused of kidnapping the boy and taking him to Israel illegally. Italy has issued an international arrest warrant for Shmulik Peleg, the maternal grandfather of six-year-old Eitan Biran who...
Live English-language theatre in Rome. Wonderwall Entertainment presents The Oldest Profession by Paula Vogel directed by Michael Fitzpatrick, in English, on select dates between 13 and 21 November. Set in New York C...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Italy records outbreaks in Veneto and now Lazio. An outbreak of avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, has been reported on a poultry farm at Ostia Antica near Rome. The Lazio regional authorities have ordered...
Italy puts the brakes on electric scooters as it updates its rules of the road. Here are some of the main points. Italy has updated its Highway Code with the new rules of the road coming into force from 10 November....
Azzurri to take Euro 2020 Cup trophy to Rome hospital. The entire Italian football team will make a special visit to the Bambino Gesù paediatric hospital where they will meet the young patients along with their parents...
Italian culture ministry evicts Dignitatis Humanae Institute from abbey near Rome. A mediaeval monastery south of Rome, where a right-wing political academy close to Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon h...
A listing of the most influential Italian international universities.  Finding a university that satisfies your needs is sometimes challenging, however if you consider going to Italy, you will find that there are many i...
Olive Oil Farms near Rome: Taste Testing and Traveling in Lazio With the arrival of November, the olive growing areas of Lazio are in action and the mills are prepared to receive tons of ripe fruit that will be transfor...
New rules for demonstrations against Italy's covid Green Pass. Italy's interior ministry has issued an order clamping down on protests by the No Green Pass movement, with effect from this weekend. The move, first rep...
Fake Green Pass ring saw teenager in Italy collaborate with Russian hackers. A 17-year-old student near Rome is accused of selling fake Green Pass certs online with the help of Russian hackers in an illegal trade that s...
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