12 April 2008. The 160 member Irish youth orchestra invites Rome to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the "Flight of the Earls", commemorating the exile of Irish noblemen to the continent in the wake of the Tudor reco...
16 April 2008. Concert conducted by Gurer Aykal, with Sergey Antonov cello. Music by Saint-Saens and Vieuxtemps (11.30). This concert takes place at the Liceo Augusto, Piazza Fiorelli. Repeated 17 Apr 2008 (11.30) at Lic...
According to figures published in the 2008 Pontifical Yearbook, for the first time in history, Muslims now outnumber Roman Catholics. Compiled between 2006 and 2007, the figures put the number of Catholics at around 1.13...
15-20 Apr 2008. At its fifth edition, this little film festival that offers a careful selection of French films in original language with Italian subtitles, has a single criterion: excellency. The Cineteca Trevi has bee...
15 Apr 2008. This contemporary dance company, which was founded in the 1970s by Lou Conte, is hailed for its innovative techniques, which include elegant and seemingly effortless aerial movements executed by dancers susp...
5 Mar-14 Sept 2008. This exhibition illustrates the Roman concept of triumph from the Etruscans to Constantine with over 100 works including bas-reliefs, coins, sculptures and paintings.
8 Mar-29 June 2008. Some 130 works, including oil paintings, drawings and sculptures illustrate 40 years of activity by Auguste Renoir, starting from his famous journey to Italy in 1881.
Seeking teachers with at least one year of classroom experience preparing students for the following IGCSE Maths
Candidates would ideally have a degree and/or A-levels in the rele...
Bids to be submitted in sealed envelope marked "Sale of Mercedes-Benz" addressed to the Head of Chancery office, Consulate General of Pakistan, Milan before 1100 hours on April 10,...
AIS is seeking motivated english language teachers for our Summer School Program. Please send your CV to frontoffice@acornhouse.school with availability.
Experienced carer for old age, housekeeping with driving licence, since 2003 he has been working in Rome, looks for a full-time live-in job, good reference. Contact. 3346140595....