Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
RCI 700 x 180

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2 Apr-18 May 2008. The new owner of the Galleria Giulia, Riccardo Cerioni, reopens the exhibition space in Via della Barchetta with a tribute to Carla Mendini who showed the work and made the fortune of many artists such...
4 Apr-25 May 2008. At its seventh edition, this international festival is themed
Aur 724x450
3, 4 Apr 2008. In Replay: Tribute to Steve Reich, choreography by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, music by Reich and Ligeti. This performance is part of a vaster tribute to composer Steve Reich currently taking place at the...
Vehicles with number plates ending in an even number will not be allowed to circulate within the so-called Green zone in Rome on Thursday 20 March between 15.00-21.00 due to pollution-reducing limitations on the circulat...
City-run museums and archaeological sites in Rome are open on Easter Day and on Easter Monday. These include the Capitoline Museums, the Ara Pacis, the Musei dei Fori Imperiali, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni among others...
1-6 Apr 2008. Directed by Marco Bernardi, with Paolo Bonacelli, Patrizia Dilani, Carlo Simoni, translated by Franco Perrilli. This is Strindberg
2-13 Apr 2008. By and with Arturo Brachetti. Brachetti is described as the fastest quick change artist in the world. His career covers a wide artistic range and has made him an international name. He literally changes fr...
So Italy is going to the polls again, this time on 13-14 April, almost two years to the day after the last elections, and three years before the normal end of the mandate. Everyone agreed that the electoral law passed by...
Being a cyclist in Rome has its ups and downs; after all, the city has seven hills. However more and more cyclists are taking to the Roman roads and dedicated cycle paths. Below are a few tips on how to cycle safely in R...
3 Apr-29 June 2008. The exhibition highlights graphic artist and illustrator Mario Mariotti
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
Temple ASAP
Bla Kongo On an almost empty street, this restaurant can be difficult to spot as its chic black fa
Palms and maritime pines in Italy, particularly in Tuscany and Lazio, are under attack from insects. Palms are suffering from a beetle-like insect called rhynchophorus ferrugineus, or red palm weevil, and a flying insect...
Just over ten million tourists visit Rome each year, and spend on average 2.57 days in the city*. At a guess this is just long enough to see the Vatican museums and St Peter
Wild humor sketches on "middle-class" hinting at the sexual quirkiness of Carry On films and social satire of Black Adder
2 April 2008. For the cycle off contemporary events entitled Contemporanea: Le Banalit
2 April 2008. Concert by the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg conducted by Emmanuel Krivine, with Rudolf Buchbinder piano. Music by Beethoven (21.00).
Two Irish tourists were killed by a drunk driver in the early hours of 18 March as they were crossing Lungotevere Altoviti between Castel S.Angelo and Via della Conciliazione. Elizabeth Anne Gubbins, 27, and Marie Clare...
4 April 2008. Piano recital by Leif Andsnes. Music by Bach, Beethoven, Sibelius, Grieg, Debussy (21.00).
In Rome 2,200,000 Italians will vote in five different elections on 13-14 April; for the senate, the chamber of deputies, the province, the city and the minicipii. The last time Rome
3 April 2008. Chamber music concert by the Romabarocca Ensemble with Lorenzo Tozzi conductor and harpsichord, Alla Gol soprano, and Angelo Manzotti sopranista (21.00).
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia