Drive south from Arusha in north Tanzania for about fours hours (you calculate travel in terms of time rather than distance in many parts of east Africa). Then climb for another four hours into the hills above the small...
19 Mar-1 June. About 150 works belonging to the Cotroneo Collection of contemporary art. It includes works by Pistoletto, Jodice, Silvio Wolf, Franco Fontana, Paul Thorel, Alfredo Pirri and many others.
Anyone who is thinking of seeing the Colosseum or the Roman Forum on the morning of 16 March may need to think again as most of the space will be taken up with people in various types of running gear. For at 09.00 that S...
18 March 2008. Easter Concert by the Orchestra Benedetto Marcello conducted by Giorgio Proietti, with Aldo Vinci actor and Laura Marzadori violin. Music by Haydn and Mendelssohn (21.00).
18 March 2008. For the cycle of events entitled Tra Musica e Poesia, the actress Maddalena Crippa reads from texts by Pierpaolo Pasolini and Elsa Morante (21.00).
13 Oct 2007-28 Jan 2008. The works of French realist painter Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) are given a new perspective in this exhaustive exhibition at the Galleries Nationales du Grand Palais. Featuring about 120 painting...
Bids to be submitted in sealed envelope marked "Sale of Mercedes-Benz" addressed to the Head of Chancery office, Consulate General of Pakistan, Milan before 1100 hours on April 10,...
AIS is seeking motivated english language teachers for our Summer School Program. Please send your CV to with availability.
Experienced carer for old age, housekeeping with driving licence, since 2003 he has been working in Rome, looks for a full-time live-in job, good reference. Contact. 3346140595....
Discover a luxurios apartment for ret on Via della Vite just steps from Spanish Steps. Located on second floor of an elegant historic building with congierge service and lift.