AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
RCC 700x180

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Many more Italians in northern Italy opt for cremation than in the south, a new study confirms. The survey made ahead of the Tanexpor trade fair for the funeral sector, which will take place in Bologna from 28-30 March...
11 Feb 2008. Concert HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTERS, soundtracks from Star Trek, Gladiator, Spider-Man, Harry Potter & more.
RCI 724 x 450
14 March 2008. Violin recital by Sergej Krylov. Music by Ysaye, Bach, Berio, Paganini (21.00).
13 March 2008. Contemporary music concert by the Ensemble Contemporaneo Accademia S. Cecilia conducted by Flavio Emilio Scogna. Music by Schneller, Lombardi, Stockhausen, Hindemith (21.00).
13 Mar-13 Apr 2008. The exhibition offers a comprehensive view of the activity of Ciao whose most representative works are paintings on tree trunks.
The Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital is offering a special 24-hour tourist medical service. The tourist department is staffed by one medical doctor and two nurses, and is meant especially for patients with low-severity d...
13 Mar 2008. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti, music by Prokofiev. First staged in 2006 this work was created in collaboration with visual artist Fabrizio Plessi. There is neither story nor narration...
13 Mar-18 May 2008. On show here is one of the most important masterpieces from 13th-century Rimini
Families in Rome throw away an average of
Free Dublin Walking Tours 1hour or so Dublin City Angel Tours all welcome Irish Blarney fun n facts come along
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
AUR 320x480
Wireless internet hot spots are to be installed in three Rome municipi (V, XII and XIII). The
Vehicles with number plates ending in an odd number will not be allowed to circulate within the so-called Green zone in Rome on Thursday 28 February between 15.00-21.00 due to pollution-reducing limitations on the circul...
13 March 2008. Chamber music concert by the Quartetto Bernini with Chiara Muti actress. Haydn
13 March 2008. Chamber music concert by the Ensemble Affectus Exprimere with Francesca Vicari and Tonino De Secondi violins, Luca Peverini cello, Luca Cola double-bass, Concezio Panone organ. Music by Corelli, Handel, Ha...
Come and meet our international group and mix with new people over dance and drinks... Sounds good? Just visit
Rome's La Sapienza University is organising a series of events for the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the student protest at the faculty of architecture in Valle Giulia from February 29 to 19 March. The student de...
A Kung Fu teacher has entered the race for the Rome mayor post on the ticket of Genoese anti-establishment comic Beppe Grillo. Grillo supporters will take to Rome squares this weekend in order to collect the 2,000 signa...
12-15 Mar 2008. This Guided tour of the theatre of the pupi is a revisitation of the ancient Sicilian theatrical tradition represented by the theatre of the pupi. Puppet master Mimmo Cuticchio puts together a somewhat be...
Wild humor sketches on "middle-class" hinting at the sexual quirkiness of Carry On films and social satire of Black Adder
The number of people taking antipsychotic drugs in Lazio almost doubled between 2000 and 2006, a report by health watchdog Osservasalute has revealed. In 2006, 6.01 out of every 1,000 people in the region were on prescri...
RCC 1400x360