RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 700x180

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10-20 Jan 2008. Conducted by Riccardo Frizza, directed by Graham Vick, with Micaela Carosi, Gabriele Viviani, Giuseppe Gipali, Carlo Lepore.
6 Dec 2007-27 Jan 2008. Futurist exhibition examining Depero
Taco 724 x 450
The Rome city council
5 Jan 2008. Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Maurizio Pollini piano, and Hakan Hardenberger trumpet. Music by Maderna, Francesconi, Brahms (18.00). Repeated 7 Jan (21.00), 8 Jan (19.30).
6 Jan 2008. Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Family Concert by the Gomalan Brass Quintet, with Marco Pierobon trumpet. Film music (12.00).
20 Dec 2007. Christmas Concert for Peace conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Sonia Ganassi mezzosoprano. Music by Offenbach (21.00). Repeated 21 Dec (21.00).
12 Jan 2008. Concert by the Shining Quintet, with the participation of Luis Bacalov and Nicola Piovani. Music from film soundtracks (18.30).
1 Jan 2007. Concert by the St Henry District Chamber High School Choir from the USA. Sacred music programme (21.00). This concert is at the Basilica of S. Eustachio, Piazza S. Eustachio.
5 Jan 2008. Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Maurizio Pollini piano, and Hakan Hardenberger trumpet. Music by Maderna, Francesconi, Brahms (18.00). Repeated 7 Jan (21.00), 8 Jan (19.30).
28 Dec 2007. Piano recital by Sergio Marchigiani. Music by Chopin (19.00).
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Taco 320 x 480
City authorities have released their 2007 plan for reducing smog in the capital. Between 11 January and 29 March, 12 consecutive
19 Dec 2007. Chamber music concert by the ensemble Le Concert d
31 Dec 2007. New Year
22 Dec 2007. Concert by the Roma Brass Quintett. Music by Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Rossini, Mascagni, Faur
13 Jan 2008. Concert conducted by Julian Kovatchev, with Antonio Meneses cello. Music by Schumann and Franck (17.30). Repeated 14 Jan (20.30).
15 Jan 2008. For Euromusica
12 Jan 2008. Concert by the Radio and Television Symphonic Orchestra of St Petersburg conducted by Stanislaw Gorkovenko, with Natalia Lomeiko violin. Music by Glinka, Tchaikowsky, Mussorgsky (17.30).
10 Jan 2008. Tango Story: concert by the Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta, with Luis Bacalov conductor and piano (21.00).
22 Dec 2007. Christmas Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia. Handel
06 Jan 2008. Concert by the Orchestra Giovani Musici and the Pueri Cantores Choir conducted by Vincenzo di Benedetto and directed by Annalisa Pellegrini. Music from the films of Walt Disney and Prokofiev
Acorn High H5 bis 1400 x 360