Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
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9 Dec 2007. Chamber music concert by the Petrassi Quartet. Music by Petrassi, Stravinsky, Casella (12.00).
RCC -  724x450
9 Dec 2007. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia. Music by Martucci, Ravel, Tchaikowsky (17.30). Repeated 10 Dec 2007 (20.30).
Bowls in majolica, raku, lustreware by Paolo Porelli. 2 December to 6 January, weekends For infoappointment, +393394783019, ltouche@tin.it
Theatre and Comedy School by Charltons (in Italian)- one lesson for week.First lesson free. For informations Francesca 3293780817 or thecharltons@email.it
8 Dec 2007. Concert by the Alonso Lobo Chamber Music Choir from Spain. Music by Cabezon, Escobar, Guerrero and others (21.00).
7, 8 Dec 2007. In Lost Action, choreography by Crystal Pite. Pure dance and movement free from all narrative constraints are Canadian choreographer Pite
7 Dec 2007. In Cher Ulysse, choreography by J.C. Gallotta. The provocative and iconoclastic performer and choreographer Gallotta is deeply influenced by Merce Cunningham and the theatre of Bob Wilson. This work dedicated...
A judge in Florence has ordered the expulsion of three United States citizens, leaving a fourth awaiting trial, for assaulting a pair of off-duty carabinieri early Thanksgiving morning (22 November). The incident occurre...
7 Dec 2007. Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese with Ettore Pellegrino conductor and violin, and with Sebastiano Brusco piano. Music by Mendelssohn and Schubert (19.00).
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
8 Dec 2007. Chamber music concert by the Ensemble Aliusmodum, with Francesca Giuffr
7 Dec 2007. Chamber music consert by the String Ensemble of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia with Kolja Blacher, conductor and violin. Music by Bach, Mozart, Schnittke (21.00).
6 Dec 2007. Violin and piano recital by Nicolaj Znaider and Robert Kulek. Music by Beethoven, Schumann, Bach (21.00).
6 Dec 2007. Concert by the Orchestra dell
Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, son of King Umberto II, the last monarch of Italy, and his son Emanuele Filiberto have filed a claim against the Italian government asking for
Open-Daily. Testaccio
6 Nov 2007-8 Jan 2008. Works reflecting on the human figure, its gestures and existence in the present time.
6-23 Dec 2007. In Le Corsaire, Don Quixote and Giselle. The legendary Moscow ballet company performs three different programmes, each a worthy
The marathon frenzy that has seized Rome and surroundings in these recent weeks is not over yet. After the
6-8 Dec 2007. Presented by The English Theatre Of Rome, directed by Christian Boyle, by and with Rick Breco, Doug Dean, Michael Monkhouse, John Penate, Matthew Reynolds, Giovanni Samaritani and Steven Spelar. MMOMM intro...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia