The Greeks did not give a fig whether it was white or not; to them marble was just another handy sculpture material which they painted liberally in bright, almost garish colours after it was hewn to shape. But the origin...
Dustin Wills is a man in a hurry. In 20 minutes he will jump into a taxi for Fiumicino airport and head home to the United States. The timing is unfortunate
The Palazzo delle Espozioni reopens to the public after five years of restoration work with three major exhibitions on 5 October. Retrospectives of abstract expressionist artist Mark Rothko and American film-maker Stanle...
The water clock in the gardens of the Passeggiata del Pincio in Villa Borghese has been restored to full working order after decades of inactivity and was inaugurated by Rome mayor Walter Veltroni on 29 June.
The timepi...
Around 1,000 cultural sites across Italy will open for free over the weekend (29-30 September) for the annual European Heritage Days. This year the ministry of culture has joined up with the Italian National Trust (FAI)...
Monday 8 October, Manzoni station on metro line A reopens after three years of renovations. The station has been closed since January 2005 to upgrade the entire line and improve comfort and safety. Archaeological excavat...
Archaeological excavations are underway at Piazza Augusto Imperatore in the first step of a project to revamp the area that houses the mausoleum of Augustus, built in 28 BC. The initiative will eventually involve restori...
There will be a public transport strike in Rome on Friday 28 September. Bus and tram drivers belonging to the autonomous union Rdb Cub will be on strike for 24 hours, although as always rush hour service will be guarante...
6 Oct 2007-3 Feb 2008. Around 150 works from museums and galleries all over the world. Oil paintings, drawings, sculptures and ceramics trace the artistic and human evolution of Gauguin, the artist and the man.
The Palazzo delle Esposizioni reopens to the public for the first time after five years of restoration work with three major exhibitions.
Mark Rothko. 6 Oct 2007-6 Jan 2008. Retrospective of the Latvian-born American pa...
10 Oct 2007. Concert by the Roma Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Stefano Trasimeni, with Artyon Dervoed guitar. Music by Liszt, Rodrigo and Schumann (20.30).
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...