The auction for troubled national airline Alitalia fell through on 18 July after the final potential bidder withdrew ahead of the 23 July deadline for firm offers. US buyout fund MatlinPatterson Global Advisers said it w...
There will be a 24-hour nationwide airport strike on Wednesday 18 July involving general ground staff of all airlines as well as Alitalia air stewards. Passengers should expect long delays and cancellations, although aff...
Decreasing water levels in the river Po are putting Italian agricultural production at risk, according to a new study by environmental protection agency APAT. Water levels in the 675 km-long river have fallen by 20-25 pe...
Rome city council has got together with landlord and tenant trade unions to create a renting agency for students attending universities in the capital. The initiative is aimed particularly at so-called
Under the Estate Romana banner, the EcoArt Village presents concerts, short films, deejays and performances at Via Appia Antica 76 in the Giardini di Priscilla every night from 20 July until 4 August. Entrance to the eve...
The Senate Justice Committee is examining a revised version of the so-called DICO draft bill, which proposes financial and next-of-kin rights for non-married couples. The new version, or CUS (from
Daunting queues at the Colosseum ticket office are soon to become a thing of the past as tickets go on sale via internet. Starting Friday 13 July, visitors will be able to purchase tickets at bypassing ti...
Migration from the south of Italy to the north of the country is nearing levels last seen during the peak migratory period of the1960s, according to a report by the association for industrial development in southern Ital...
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...