26-31 July 2007. For the Tuscia Operafestival, conducted by Stefano Vignati, directed by Lina Wertmuller, with Massimiliano Gagliardo and Svetla Vassileva.
18-25 July 2007. In Swan Lake, choreography by Derek Deane. Sixty swans, dozens of extras, hundreds of costumes, dry ice, strobe lighting and trap doors. Derek Deane
29 June-8 Sept 2007. The festival, in its spectacular setting on the Amalfi coast boasts an association with Richard Wagner who stayed at Villa Rufolo in 1880, and who was reportedly so taken with the beauty of the place...
20-29 July 2007. This delightful chamber music festival is organised by non-profit cultural association founded in 1989 in memory of Antonio and Iris Origo, who dedicated their lives to the development and progress of t...
6-31 July 2007. At its seventh edition, this music and performing arts festival finds new settings in the archaeological area of Via Appia Antica. After a grand opening conducted by Lorin Maazel, great expectations await...
30 June-7 Aug 2007. For its 26th consecutive summer concert season, the International Chamber Ensemble presents a music festival in the courtyard of S. Ivo alla Sapienza, one of Rome
13, 14 July 2007. In Vertiges, choreography by Tony Gatlif. Film director Gatlif extends his cinematographic odyssey with his show entitled Vertiges. Gatlif went back on the road to cast a show that he wants to represent...
4-27 July 2007. Staying with its traditional formula which aims to touch on every possible musical genre, from songwriting to pop, from folk music to music for children, from classical music to literary evenings, the fes...
7 July-19 Aug 2007. The festival welcomes about 40,000 spectators every year just a few steps from the Villa Mausoleum where Giacomo Puccini lived and worked. The new open air theatre of Giacomo Puccini
6-15 July 2007. Catch the tail end of this long-running jazz festival that literally invades the city of Perugia with ten intensive days of concerts, recitals, walking bands and other events. The names to go for are thos...
19 July-8 Aug 2007. Founded in 1975, this world class music festival has always aimed to unearth and produce forgotten titles and rare productions but it also provides a launch-pad for emerging musicians and singers. The...
28 June-31 July 2007. This festival, at its 10th edition, is extremely varied, ranging from songwriters to rock, to operetta, drama and dance. Some big names stand out and the venue is terrific. Bring a cushion as the ol...
14 July 2007. This is a gift from the city of Rome to anyone who happens to be in town. It all started back in 2003 when Paul McCartney sung for hundreds of thousands gathered near the Colosseum. Then it was the turn of...
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