27 May 2007. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Nikolai Demidenko. Music by Prokofiev, R. Strauss and Ravel (17.30). Repeated 28 May (20.30).
Luna Rossa, one of the four yachts in the Vuitton Cup semi-final, won its first race out of a possible nine in the semi-finals on 14 May against the strong United States yacht, BWM Oracle. The other race was won by Emir...
26 May 2007. End of year concerts by the fellows of the Rome Prize in Musical Composition, Andrew Norman and Ken Ueno. Norman presents a programme including works for viola, saxophone, piano and string trio; Ueno
25 May-10 June 2007 12th edition of this dance festival is dedicated to Italian choreographers and companies, except for the closing events which present the Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company, directed by the Anglo-Indian...
25 May-Dec 2007. A site-specific installation entitled Technocrat is made up of a large machine that recycles organic matter. The Atelier Van Lieshout is a multi-disciplinary group founded by Joep van Lieshout in 1995. I...
25 May-Sept 2007. About 40 works on canvas and on paper, as well as a selection of installations made with embroidery and coloured thread, explore 20 years of activity by the Egyptian artist.
24 May 2007. Concert by the Soul Singers, conducted by Franco Riva. Programme unavailable at press time (20.30). Church of S. Maria in Aquiro, Piazza Capranica.
13 May 2007. The International Christian Fellowship (ICF) is hosting a free concert by the North Central University Choir from Minneapolis, Minnesota, on 13 May at 15.30 at St. Paul
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.