29 April 2007. Chamber music concert by Valentina Variale soprano, Orazio Ferrari double-bass, and Mario Montore piano. Music by Vivaldi, Bach, Handel and others (20.30). Church of S. Girolamo della Carit
29 April-15 May 2007. Conducted by Lothar Koenigs, directed by Stephane Braunschweig, with Mette Ejsing, Ian Storey, Anja Silja, Emily Magee and Annely Peebo.
Jenufa by Leos Janacek continues at La Scala in Milan (2-15...
29 April-15 May 2007. Conducted by Lothar Koenigs, directed by Stephane Braunschweig, with Mette Ejsing, Ian Storey, Anja Silja, Emily Magee and Annely Peebo.
28 April 2007. Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente: tribute to the Spanish musical genre Zarzuela, with the Coro Amici Musicae of the Saragoza Auditorium (18.00).
This Triptych is of words by three different authors and music by three different composers in a mixture of the fanciful, the gossamer-like, the brittle and at times the melancholy.
27 April-24 May 2007. The American-born artist, who lives and works in Umbria, presents a series of flags, symbolic works and allegories of social and political realities of the United States. The exhibit also includes W...
27 April 2007. In Nvsbl, choreography by E. Salamon. After her classical dance studies at the National Dance Academy in Budapest, Eszter Salamon has collaborated with many choreographers. In her new production, Nvsbl (pr...
22 April 2007. Chamber music concert by the Concerto Italiano conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini. Music by Purcell, Albinoni, Porpora, Bach, Corelli and Couperin (21.00).
The sixth edition of the Rome Independent Film Festival (RIFF) runs from 13-20 April at the Nuovo Olimpia cinema, Via in Lucina 16/g. Sponsored by Rome city council and the ministry of heritage and fine arts, the festiva...
An exhibition of lesser known painting and sculpture by 17th-century baroque master Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) is on show at the Palazzo Incontro from 4 April to 3 June. Entitled
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...
Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.