AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
RCC 700x180

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Any time from now up to July, property owners in various areas of Rome may expect to receive a letter requesting revised estimates of property registry values (valori catastali). The initiative is at the core of the cit...
The Roman composer and conductor Ennio Morricone was awarded an honorary Oscar for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film music, during the 79th edition of the Academy Awards at Los Angeles. Born in 1928, Mor...
Aur 724x450
Romano Prodi faces the vote of confidence in the chamber of deputies on Friday 2 March. He is expected to gain an easy majority as his nine-party coalition has 348 seats against opposition Casa delle Libert
Cars with license plates ending in odd numbers will be banned from the city
15 March 2007. In Push, choreography by Maliphant. Award-winning show Push features French ballerina and dance superstar Sylvie Guillem, in her collaboration with the contemporary choreographer and dancer Russell Malipha...
15 March 2006. Una tromba nel mondo del cinema: the trumpet in cinema scores, recital by trumpet player Nello Salza accompanied by Gianluigi Zampieri on piano. Music by Morricone, Piovani, Rota, Piazzola and others (21.0...
Explores the issue of the 670km separation wall. Features interviews with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and political analysts. 7pm.
14 March-16 Sept 2007. Over 100 archaeological findings narrate the history of perfume-making in the Mediterranean.
14 March-14 April 2007. One of the most significant contemporary artists in Switzerland exhibits photographs taken in Iceland, Poland, Switzerland over the past 20 years.
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Marymount - International School Rome
The Italian senate will hold a vote of confidence 28 February evening to determine whether prime minister Romano Prodi will remain in power or not. The confidence vote in the senate is likely to be extremely close given...
Borat - Studio culturale sull'America a beneficio della gloriosa nazione del Kazakistan (US). Dir. Larry Charles, starring Sacha Baron Cohen. Politically incorrect mockumentary following Kazakhstani jouralist Borat - the...
Wild politically incorrect ensemble of social satire sketches inspired by Monty Pythons written and played by Thecharltons
14 March 2007. Piano recital by Maurizio Pollini. Music by Schumann and Chopin (21.00).
13 March 2006. Piano recital by Giuseppe Scotese. Music by Franck, Bach and Busoni (20.30).
Animal rights activists, Italian state broadcaster RAI and the minister for the environment, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, have presented a new charter that will prevent animals from being exploited on television. The guideli...
As part of a move to upgrade Italy
The officers club has finally left Palazzo Barberini, more or less in accordance with the agreement signed with the minister of fine arts, Francesco Rutelli, at the end of last summer. It has moved to the nearby Palazzo...
The ever-popular Sanremo song festival, in its 57th year, is now in full swing until 3 March. The musical competition at Sanremo
To celebrate 500 years since the start of works to build the present St Peter
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360