Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Taco 700 x 180

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For the start of the Roman Rota
14-18 Feb 2007. In Onegin, choreography by South African-born John Cranko. Alexander Pushkin
Smiling H2 - 724x450
Cars with license plates ending in odd numbers will be banned from the city
Thur-Fri. Daily doses of live-jazz performances worth a stop to see who
Eleven bidders stepped forward to express interest in buying up a large chunk of the Italian government
To celebrate 60 years since its founding, Ferrari yesterday began a
Thur-Sat. Homey atmosphere with daily Blues live acts featuring, Sat.-Thur, Mississippi Mood, Fri.-Tribute to rolling stones, Sat.-Blue Stuff Band.
According to figures released by Asaps (Associazione amici sostenitori della Polstrada), the numbers of those stopped by the road police and fined for talking on mobiles while driving has risen from 36,517 in 2005 to 40,...
Thur-Mon. Its small but has a cosy atmosphere for an ultimate rock-night. Has unbeatable prices on cocktails. Sun.
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
6 Nations 25
Thur-Sat. Has a long bar and a themed lounges to let you lounge or dance the night away.
Basilica S. Giovanni Laterano.Guided & audio-guided tours. For details tel. 320 0960993 or email materetcaput@yahoo.it
12 Feb-11 March 2007. From Howard Zinn
Switch off your lights for five minutes on Thursday 1 February between 19.55 and 20.00 if you are concerned with energy wastage and global warning. The campaign is being organized by the French environment group
Fun English at the Lion Bookshop every Sat 11am-1pm Arts & Crafts, storytelling, games all in English! 18euro Youngfunenglish@yahoo.com
9-27 Feb 2007. Conducted by Myung-Whun Chung, directed by Keita Asari, with Fiorenza Cedolins, Mihoko Fujimura, Aquiles Machado and Mario Bolognesi.
Every Saturday Night:HOT PARTY@SHANGO whit 6 djs rotations+one special guest+2 beautiful girls on the stage. infoline&Tablesreservations:Brice:3921399256
10-20 Feb 2007. Conducted by Karl Martin, directed by Massimo Gasparon, with Alex Esposito, Sabrina Vianello, Mark Milhofer and Maurizio Muraro.
10 Feb-1 April 2007. Works by 15 photographers tell the story of Italian cinema.
Italy opens up to liberalization The government has given the green light to a new package of liberalisation laws masterminded by minister for economic development Pierluigi Bersani. The new laws are principally aimed...
AUR 1400x360