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Henry Cook, "Ku-umba" Frank Lacy and Famoudou Don Moye present a program of original music November 21 and 22
I Musici Veneziani are presenting Enchanting Opera Arias in the church S.Paolo Entro le Mura on 7-10-14-18-21-24-28 november.Tell064826296
6 Nations 2025
The government has put forward a special plan for Naples to counteract increasing levels of gang-related violent crime in the city, where there have been 12 murders in the past two weeks. Measures include an increase o...
21 Nov-5 Jan 2007. Exhibition dedicated to Ettore Petrolini, the Italian actor and author, creator of numerous caricature sketches, and inventor of a revolutionary and anticonformist way of performing.
21 Nov 2006-5 Jan 2007. Exhibition about Ettore Petrolini, the Italian actor and author, creator of numerous caricature sketches, and inventor of a revolutionary and anticonformist way of performing.
In the central district of Parioli, not far from the bustling chaos of city life, there is a place where the only sound you will hear is the stomping of heavy horses hooves and the distant clacks of wooden mallets hittin...
We present LA TRAVIATA in the church S.Paolo Entro Le Mura Via Nazionale n.16a.Tell 064826296 Dates 11-18-25 november
A small number of Romes taxi drivers have decided not to respect fixed fares between the city centre and the airport and have announced they will go on strike on 28 November. The move by the drivers follows city authorit...
Sat-Sun. A risto-live-dance programme where you can enjoy hot dishes, cabaret and switch to late-night dancing all under one roof.
Sat. Minimal-techno beats with a tinge of the Poker Flax cult label sensation with DJs Patrick Chardronnet and Martin Landsky.
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Fri-Sun. Sensual and absorbing if you can get-in. Rub shoulders with Romes most notorious singles and couples on the prowl.
Some 200 films from 40 countries are on show in Rome for the 12th edition of the MedFilm Festival, 5-19 November. The theme for this years festival is identity and work, and among the highlights are a selection of recent...
Sat. Aperitif party, buffet and disco-dancing in the Cuve Astoria Lounge. Lounge time music by DJ Andrea Esu.
19 Nov 2006. Chamber music concert by the Quartetto di Firenze. Music by Schumann and Janacek (12.00).
19 Nov 2006. Concert conducted by Lu Jia, with Ilya Gringolts violin. Music by Schumann and Beethoven (18.00).
Piano marathon organised by the Toradze Piano Studio with Raffaele Mallozzi viola. Music by Shostakovich (11.00, 19.00).
19 Nov 2006. Piano and viola recital by Alessandro Drago and Aleksej Popov. Music by Schubert and Franck (11.30).
18 Nov 2006. In VSPRS, choreography by Alain Platel. This is the Flemish choreographers most recent creation for his excellent company and it is provoking conflicting reviews by dance critics. The performance explores th...
City authorities have launched a new voluntary citizenship course for foreigners wanting to become Italian citizens. The ten-hour course takes the form of a cycle of three lessons that will be repeated around 50 times be...
18-30 Nov. Conducted by Daniele Gatti, directed by Calixto Bieito, with Ellie Dehn, Sara Fulgoni and Richard Paul Fink. The Teatro Comunale in Bologna inaugurates its 2006-2007 opera season with The Rakes Progress by I...
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360