Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

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Thur-Mon. A must-stop for rock and ska fanatic, great bargains on drinks and fortified cocktails to get you fired up!
Crime is on the rise in the capital according to the regional safety watchdog LOsservatorio Tecnico Scientifico per la Sicurezza e Legalit. Rome has, in fact, registered a 9.6 per cent increase in overall crime between...
Aur 724x450
Thur-Mon. A must-stop for rock and ska fanatic, great bargains on drinks and fortified cocktails to get you fired up!
The gay community of Rome, represented by the organisation Arcigay, has put forward a request for a gay area near of the Colosseum. The aim is to have a specific space set aside along the lines of Marais in Paris and C...
Thur- Mon. A watering-hole for the "real" beer lover. An absolutely incredible crowd, setting and music. Special rates with student-ID.
Thur-Sun. Romes most happening night spot! Music, beer, singles on the prowl, Showtime performances plus a gay friendly crowd.
7 July-24 Sept 2006. Some 96 photographs by Tazio Secchiaroli pay tribute to the Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni who died ten years ago. The photographs on show witness 30 years of friendship and collaboration between...
Swimming has been banned on a 20 km stretch of beach on the Rome coastline which runs from Focene, close the international airport at Fiumicino, north through Fregene and Maccarese. All are very famous and popular bathin...
Muccassassina night-party for the gay-friendly. Swing to rock, revival and dance tunes with DJs Tamashi and Gipo on the decks.
Crime is on the rise in the capital according to the regional safety watchdog LOsservatorio Tecnico Scientifico per la Sicurezza e Legalit. Rome has, in fact, registered a 9.6 per cent increase in overall crime between...
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
Bakers in Rome have announced they may go on strike on Wednesday 26 July in protest over the new liberalization laws introduced by the government at the end of June. The new decree for their sector, aimed at increasing c...
7-21 Aug 2006. Apart from the classic masterpieces of the Rossini repertoire restored to their authentic form, such as this years LItaliana in Algeri, the festival also boasts a long list of unknown and forgotten works,...
7-21 Aug 2006. Apart from the classic masterpieces of the Rossini repertoire restored to their authentic form, such as this years LItaliana in Algeri, the festival also boasts a long list of unknown and forgotten works,...
The new museum of the Ara Pacis will be open for guided tours at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning on 25 July and ending on 27 September. There will be two tours each evening one at 21.30 and one at 22.30 for a m...
Trambus, one of the companies operating Romes tram and bus network has bought eight electric powered motor cycles for three teams of traffic wardens, to patrol the city streets to prevent illegal parking in places that s...
5-20 Aug 2006. This festival initially comes across as a bit of an American pastiche organisers promote it as a unique, multi-sensory event that unites the worlds best and most adventurous music-making in concert with...
The heat is on. In the next eight days, in fact, Rome and the southern part of the country can expect temperatures to reach up to 38 degrees celsius. The elderly are the ones most at risk in this aria africana; especial...
17 June3 Sept. Romes La Sapienza University participates in this years summer feast with a cinema festival inside the university campus. An open-air arena is home to a large screen and seating for 400, plus a catering a...
People who donate blood in Rome during the months of July, August and September will receive two tickets for entry to one of the citys museums. The Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Museo dellAra Pacis and Museo Carlo Bilotti...
12-24 Sept. Organised by the Fondazione Musica Per Roma in conjunction with Buenos Aires city authorities, this festival aims to make Rome an international capital of tango, second only to Buenos Aires itself. The progra...
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360