Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
6 Nations 2025

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Free beer, wine&cocktails, crazy drinking games overlooking the Colosseum, 4 dance bars
Fri-Mon. The ultimate weekend to get your heart racing grooving to soul, hip-hop and reggae sounds. Assorted beers on offer.
Aur 724x450
Victor Emanuel di Savoia, the only son of the late last king of Italy, is under arrest and in prison in Potenza, in the southern region of Basilicata, accused of being the leader of a group involved in illegal activities...
Saturday Night is ZEN GARDEN whit the best djs of Roma,2 floors*Ladies Free&Reduction till 1(am) on the list:3343835669>Brice
City transport agency ATAC will upgrade its bus service to the Terme de Caracalla from 24 June to coincide with the start of the Teatro dellOperas outdoor summer season. The 160 (Piazza San Silvestro-Rufino/Montagnola),...
The best organizers of the Roman Capital are uniting to bring to you Touch The Sky on June 21 2006.
A tomb raider has revealed the existence of probably the most important Etruscan necropolis ever found. The tomb is in the Parco de Veio, 18 km to the north of Rome, between the Via Cassia and the Via Flaminia, the neare...
Thursday night@akab>Black garden whit LadyCoCo&Mr.Phil(The best djs in Romabynight)*Infolist&tables:3343835669
From 17 June new rules apply for taxis at Fiumicino airport. The road for taxis waiting to pick up passengers will be narrowed to prevent illegal taxis jumping the queue. City police will control taxis waiting for passen...
"Vivere in Musica" will present a concert by the Duo Klangstreich on Thurs 22 June at 17.00 at the Chiostro di S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane. Marie Christine Meier (violoncello) and Martin Fluge (vibraphone) frm Switzerl...
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
AUR 320x480
3-10 July 2006. Celebrating 12 years of activity this year, the festival has an impressive line-up of artists, starting with the North American star of the moment, Madeleine Peyroux. She is followed by the Flavio Boltro...
Fri-Sun. A pace-setter in Romes hip-hop scene to keep you in there all-night-long. Assorted beers and fine liquors on offer.
On 20 June there will be a 24-hour train strike in Italy starting at 21.00. The trades union Cobas is calling the strike and although Trenitalia, the national carrier, says that the strike will be limited, it advises pas...
Fri-Sat. Tired of all the soccer craze? A Chill-out Beach party by DJ Mr.Jef playing revival, hip-hop, and house music.
From 19 June to 31 July it will be possible to see films in Sala 1, at the cinema Multisala Madison in Via Chiabrera 121, in the Ostiense area of Rome, near the Basilica of S. Pauls outside the Walls, for 2 per ticket. T...
Such has been the success of the opening of the newly restored Casino Nobile at the Villa Torlonia that instead of the visits finishing on 15 June, as had been the original plan, it has been decided to continue them unti...
Sat. A hard-edged live performance by Hip-hop MC Eric Sermon and top Italian hip-hop artists. Promises to be electrifyng.
Rome and women during the Renaissance.
30 June-30 July 2006. This is the event that perhaps most embodied the spirit of the first editions of the Estate Romana. And 29 years after a wildly successful run, it is back at its place with a view on the Roman Forum...
I Musici Veneziani in the church S.Paolo Entro Le Mura presenting Enchanting Opera Arias at h.20.30. 16-20-23-27-30 of july. Tell:064826296
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360