6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Temple Pre 700x180

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Thinking of an MBA? Meet the Admissions Directors of the top Business Schools! Register for free entry: www.topmba.com
The Istituto Svizzero di Roma will host a piano recital by Krisztina Wajsza on Thurs 9 Feb at 20.30. The pianist, who was born in Transylvania but trained in Switzerland, will play Mozart, Zurcher, Chopin, Wohlhauser and...
Taco 724 x 450
The Metropolitan Museum in New York has agreed to return to Italy some of the greatest classical treasures in its collection. It has been proved that the pieces were sold illegally to the museum in the 1970s and 1980s, a...
Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montral. 17 Feb 2006. In Minus One, choreography by O. Naharin.
The Bioparco of Rome will celebrate a "Carnevale Bestiale" for three consecutive Sundays in February. On Sun 12 Feb and Sun 19 Feb, children can participate in workshops and games familiarising them with Italian wildlife...
A youth orchestra of 4-17 year olds is being formed by the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia in Rome, with subsidies from the city and the charitable organisation Isma. More than 100 children auditioned for the orchest...
Chamber music concert by the Ensemble Wien-Berlin. Music by Schoenberg and Mozart (21.00).
The Lettere Caff will hold a "Poetry Slam" every Monday in February at 21.00. The evenings, billed as "poetry, improvisation and artistic introspection", will be lead by poet and writer Claudia DAngelo, also known as Cal...
The long-awaited railway ring around Rome (anello ferroviario) is to be completed by 2010 and is being dubbed as a new metro line for the city. Work on the north section of the ring in the Tor di Quinto area of the cit...
16 Feb 2006: Alberta Gnugnoli gives a lecture entitled La nuova visione: il modernismo nella fotografia Americana 1915-1935 (18.00).
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
From 13-21 October Parco della Musica will be transformed into a Parco del Film. The Auditorium, along with Piazza del Popolo, Via Veneto and other high profile locations, will host the first Festa del Cinema in Rome. Le...
16-26 Feb 2006. Conducted by Daniel Oren, directed by Renata Scotto, with Doina Dimitriu, Francesca Franci, Vincenzo La Scola and Alberto Cupido.
A new law is set to blur the distinction between soft and hard drugs in Italy, with steeper fines and prison terms for dealers in particular. The new measures were approved by the Italian senate at the end of Jnuary and...
16 Feb-2 Apr 2006. The Israeli artist explores the many different meanings of the "hands up" gesture through photos, drawings and installations.
16, 19, 21 Feb 2006. Conducted by Joseph Franconi Lee, directed by Alberto Fassini with Francisco Casanova, Dimitra Theodossiou. See Opera Notes. At the Teatro Comunale di Modena, there is the classic 19th century Ital...
16 Feb-24 March 2006. Two exhibitions by the Warsaw-based architect Jaroslav Kozkiewicz including recent projects that reflect the fast pace of urbanisation that endangers fundamental human needs; thus, the Oxygen Tower...
16-26 Feb 2006. Conducted by Daniel Oren, directed by Renata Scotto, with Doina Dimitriu, Francesca Franci, Vincenzo La Scola and Alberto Cupido.
On Thursday 2 February only vehicles with licence plates ending in an odd number will be permitted to circulate in the "fascia verde or green zone. This will be the third Thursday in a series of ten when, to help reduce...
15-25 Feb 2006. In Cor perdut, Remansos and The Chairman Dances, choreographies by Nacho Duato and Lucinda Childs.
15 Feb-15 Mar 2006. Archaeological treasures brought to light during excavations in 2004 and 2005 by Bulgarian archaeologists.
6 Nations 25