JCU 1920x116
JCU 1920x116
JCU 1920x116
Castelli H1 700 x 180

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31 May- 5 June. It isnt a ballet, a comedy or a concert. The show is more of a musical, a story narrated in the language of tango. A father and his young son decide to leave Italy in search of el dorado, the fortune they...
Taxes rank alongside communists and magistrates in Silvio Berlusconis list of pet hates. The prime minister once famously said that he understood people who sidestepped taxes that were too high. And, putting his policy w...
Aur 724x450
The new pope Benedict XVI, elected swiftly on the afternoon of 19 April, has chosen a surprising name, one that symbolises a break with the popes of the last 50 years. Since the reformer Pope John XXIII, who opened the S...
The Orchestra Citt Aperta conducted by Timothy Brock plays the music by Charlie Chaplin from the film Modern Times as accompaniment to the projection of the film itself (21.00). Repeated 5 May 2005 (21.00), and 7 May 200...
4 May-15 July 2005. A group of site-specific works by the British artist. 15.30-19.30. Sun closed.
Up to now, great mirth or derision have always greeted the legend that Rome was founded on exactly 21 April in 753 BC or 2,758 years ago this month but now one of the greatest experts on the origins of Rome has come u...
The 21-mile (32 km) cross-Channel swim between Dover and Calais is notoriously one of the most taxing challenges a long-distance swimmer can tackle. Although marathon swimmers attempt longer distances in competitions...
Anzac day on 25 April will be commemorated by Australians and New Zealanders in Rome with a joint service at 09.00 at the Rome War Cemetery, Via Nicola Zabaglia (near the Piramide), and in Milan with a service at the Co...
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been elected as the new pope. Appearing on the balcony above the main entrance to St Peters basilica at just after 18.30 Tuesday 19 April, the 78-year-old German waved briefly to the Romans,...
Friday 22 April sees a four-hour stop for all urban transport systems all over Italy, including bus and underground trains, in a dispute over sick pay. Travellers should check local information for the time of the strike...
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 320 x 480
Castelli H3 - 320 x 480
4-25 May 2005. By Francois Archambault, translated by Bobby Theodore, directed by Bianca Galip, with Rob Allyn, Douglas Dean, Jacelyn Parry and Jeffrey Brewer. Presented by The English Theatre of Rome, the award-winning...
The provincial government of Rovigo, in the Veneto region in the north of Italy, has offered to pay fishermen 26 cents for every kilo of catfish they catch in the river Po. These giants, which are estimated to make up 27...
Solomon R. Guggenheim (1861-1949) was born in Philadelphia of a Swiss-Jewish immigrant family who had made shrewd investments in the mining industry. He and his wife Irene had been collecting old masters when they met Hi...
The Orchestra Citt Aperta conducted by Timothy Brock plays the music by Charlie Chaplin from the film Modern Times as accompaniment to the projection of the film itself (21.00). Repeated 5 May 2005 (21.00). For those wh...
After an aggressive speech to the Italian senate, prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has given his resignation to President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. He stated his intention to try to form a new government immediately and see...
And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, Thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; Upon thy belly shalt thou go, And dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy li...
Built for the Cardinal Ippolito D'Este around 1555, this is one of the most famous and complex renaissance water gardens in the world. Water from the nearby river Aniene was channeled under the city of Tivoli to feed the...
For the cycle of concerts entitled Its Wonderful: Warp meets the London Sinfonietta featuring Jamie Lidell + Plaid. Music by Aphex Twin, Steve Reich, John Cage and Squarepusher with Warp Video visuals (21.00). See foreig...
Network with businesses catering to the international community and socialize. Open to the general public and free! aicr@aicrome.org, 06-4544-7625.
Rome hosts the biggest rubbish dump in Europe, claimed to be now nearly full to overflowing, the fulcrum of a rubbish crisis facing all of Italy today. Yet plans are afoot to exploit the unlovely tip further, with public...
AUR 1400x360