Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn P H1 - 700 x 180

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Piano and violin recital by Alessandro Stella and Saskia Lethiec. Music by Bach, Beethoven, Scelsi, Sani, Ravel (21.00).
Those interested in the papal sartorial details should quickly make a visit to the premises of Annibale Gammarelli, the papal tailors, 34 Via di S. Chiara, near the church of S. Maria sopra Minerva. Three sets of vestme...
Castelli H2 - 724 x 450
A litre of unleaded petrol at most Italian petrol stations went up from 1.199 to 1.249 in the first week of April. Add an increase of 0.05 per litre for medium-large sized cars and the price rise for a full tank becomes...
A variety valuable prizes awaits those willing to pit their wits against assorted geniuses and imbeciles.
26-30 April 2005. In concert form conducted by Yoram David, with Susan Platts, Steve Davislim and Orlin Anastassov.
The Italian soccer league matches resumed after the break for papal funeral on a sour note with post-match soccer violence reported in at least five cities, Rome, Palermo, Udine, Cava dei Tirreni and Perugia, with rival...
26 April 2005: Andrea Carandini, Glenn Most, Andrew Wallace-Hadrill and Peter Wiseman present and discuss Wisemans book The Myths of Rome (18.00).
The Czech Republic is opening a cultural institute in Rome. Directed by Miloslav Hirsch, the new institute in Via Costabella 28-32 will be inaugurated on Thursday 14 April, with an exhibition of works by Jan Knap, the co...
Saturday 16 & Sunday 17th. April 10.00am-12.30pm. Terrific Bargins. Be Early. Everyone welcome!
26-30 April 2005. In Il cappello a tre punte and Il Bolero, choreography by Antonio Marquez. Marquez is a charismatic flamenco dancer thanks to whom this genre has acquired great popularity almost worldwide. He founded h...
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Presented by Dr. Katherine Jansen, Professor of History at the Catholic University of America. See
Turin-based football team Juventus is bracing itself for an emotional night on Wednesday 13 April when the team faces English opponents Liverpool for the second time in eight days. The clubs played each other last Tuesd...
The human rights section of the European court of justice in Strasburg has given Italy until 6 May to explain the expulsion of illegal immigrants who landed on the island of Lampedusa in mid-March. The court is particula...
Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia with Aldo Ciccolini piano. Music by Beethoven and R. Strauss (11.00).
Italians drank more than two billion litres of mineral water in 2004 in restaurants and bars. Usually when a glass of mineral water is ordered, the barman will pour it from a large, already open bottle, but that is about...
A special concert in memory of Pope John Paul II will be held on Wednesday 13 April in Rome at the Basilica of S. Maria degli Angeli, Piazza della Reppublica at 21.00, when the orchestra and chorus of the Rome opera hous...
Chamber music concert by La Confraternita d Musici conducted by Cosimo Prontera. Music by Migali and Corelli (18.30).
Concert by the Nova Amadeus Orchestra with Sandro Verzari trumpet. Music by Albinoni and Corelli (19.30).
Rome celebrates its birthday, or natale di Roma, on 21 April, 2,759 years after Romulus is believed to have founded the city. The Gruppo Storico Romano (GSR), an association that recreates the characters and customs of...
Catch up with friends, perfect your language skills at informal dinner on April 20 at 6:30 pm.,
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360