Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
RCC 700x180

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9 Nov 2004-12 Feb 2005. The history of broadcasting in Paris began more than a century ago. In 1898, Eugne Ducretet put an aerial on top of the Eiffel Tower and performed the first radio-electrical link up for the capita...
Museums, monuments and archaeological sites in the city will be open all day on 26 December and 6 January but will be closed on 25 December and 1 January. On 24 December museums will remain open until 14.00. Tel. 800991...
RCC -  724x450
Sat 18 Dec-Sun 19 Dec. Weekend danzereccio. An irresistible DJ set of rock, pop and revival awaits you plus lots of beer and an assortment of cocktails on offer. Club opens at 20.00 and admission is free.
The city of Rome will receive special funding of 170 million over the next two years to be spent on improvements to the public transport infrastructure and the restoration and construction of new public buildings. The f...
Sun 19 Dec. Aperitif party for the opening of the Cuve Astoria Lounge. Lounge time music and buffet organised by 2night Magazine and Astoria Vini. Clubs opens at 18.30 and admission is free.
Il Pipistrello by Johann Strauss (sung in Italian). Based on a French comedy by Meilhac and Halvy, Le Rveillon (which means midnight supper, particularly on Christmas or New Years eve), Il Pipistrello, with its scintill...
Balletto di Mosca La Classique. 31 Dec-2 Jan 2005. In The Nutcracker, choreography by Alexander Vorotnikov. With Jana Kazantseva, Ekaterina Trounina and Dmitry Smirnov.
Balletto del Teatro alla Scala. 30, 31 Dec 2004. An evening of excerpts from well-known ballets, danced by international stars including Sylvie Guillem, Greta Hodgkinson, Tamara Rojo, Svetlana Zakharova, Roberto Bolle an...
The province of Treviso has bought six small donkeys to crop the verges on the provincial roads and roundabouts. The animals will save the province a considerable sum since cutting the grass mechanically costs 100 milli...
Fri 17 Dec-Sat 18 Dec. Double event. Fri starts off with the Sfiga Party with DJ Luca Morales and Andrea Torre on the mix while Sat DJ Luca Morales and Roberto Milani of the cinema house fame play revival music with the...
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Smiling tech H3 - 320x480
22-23 Dec. The world famous Berliner Philharmoniker (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) is giving two concerts right before Christmas at their home venue, the Philharmonie near Berlins central Potsdamer Platz. Conductor Marc...
23 DEC.- 8:30 PM - This concert is a real time relationship between sound, gesture and dance. Using techniques of sound analysis in conjunction with motion sensors. Stevie determines the musical composition and the movem...
Risto-live-dance program. Fri 18 Dec. Live music by Giada Morlacchi and Randy Roberts followed by dance night with DJ Alessandro Costa on the mix. Sat 19 Dec. Dance time. DJ Andreino G and DJ Ettore Rossi mix dance, bl...
Francesco Finotti and Bernhard Haas will take turns to play a recently-restored Steinmeyer organ. Music by Liszt (20.30). Chiesa Evangelica Luterana.
All Saints Anglican ChurchVia del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881. 19 Dec. - Nine lessons and carols, 18.00.21 Dec. - Christmas concert by the New Chamber Singers, 20.30.24 Dec.- Childrens Christmas liturgy, 17.00;Euchar...
16-23 Dec 2004. Conducted by Donato Renzetti, directed by Beppe Menegatti, with Darina Takova, Anna Maria DellOste, Alfonso Antoniozzi and Francesca Provvisionato. The Teatro dellOpera of Rome celebrates the Christmas...
The Salvation Army is offering emergency support to the homeless during the colder months by distributing hot meals in the evening. Supplies such as sugar, teabags and warm blankets, as well as sleeping bags are needed....
29 Dec-2 Jan 2005. The 12th edition of Umbria Jazz Winter will be hosted by Orvieto, where for five days, concerts and jam session will take place at venues across the city, including the Mancinelli theatre and Emilio Gr...
27-30 Dec. Aslan, who take their name from the lion character in C.S. Lewis Narnia series of books, is a Dublin rock band regularly featuring in the Top 5 of the Irish charts. Hailing from the working class areas of Fing...
There are several Park and ride car parks near the city centre with good bus and metro connections. Parking costs 0.77 for a full ten hours, then 1.55 per hour thereafter. For further information, contact STA tel. 06571...
Acorn High H5 bis 1400 x 360