Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
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Concert by the Symphonic Orchestra and the Philharmonic Choir of Prague conducted by Ondrej Lenrd. Music by Dvorak.
Neoclassico e Biedermeier dalle Collezioni Coronini Cronberg di Gorizia. 22 Oct-27 Feb 2005. Count William Coronini of Cronberg (1905-1990) and Mario Praz (1895-1982) were contemporary collectors; the former acquired a v...
Smiling H2 - 724x450
The city council modern art gallery, MACRO, is to open for a token entrance fee of 1 for the next two years. Danilo Eccher, who has been director of the gallery for the past two years, hopes to see the rebuilding of the...
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Chamber music concert by the ensemble Europa Galante conducted by Fabio Biondi. Music by Handel (21.00).
Chamber music concert by the ensemble Europa Galante conducted by Fabio Biondi. Music by Handel (21.00). See Opera Notes.
To the north-east of Rome, about an hour's drive out of the city, off the beaten tourist track, is an area of exceptional natural beauty, archaeological importance, artistic interest and religious mysticism. This is wh...
22 Oct-4 Nov 2004. Conducted by Gerard Korsten, directed by Jonathan Miller, with Anja Harteros, Monica Bacelli, Marina Comparato and Pietro Spagnolo.
Heaven. Thur-Fri, dedicated to foriegn university students, with DJ Dario G playing rock, hip hop, and salsa. Special dance performance by "Heavens Angels" troupe. Open 22.30. Admission free.
23 Oct-6 Nov 2004. Conducted by Michail Jurowski, directed by Harry Kupfer, with Torsten Kerl, Lioba Braun, Albert Dohmen, Josef Kapellmann. The Carlo Felice theatre in Genoa inaugurates its season with Parsifal (23 Oc...
Fri-Sun, featuring house music hip-hop and rock. Weekend, watch English premier league on large screen. Admission free.
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Taco 320 x 480
Free beer while raving with people from all over the world. Bar hopping, contests and drinking games. Daily meet at night at Piazza S. Maria Maggiore fountain in front of the church between 21.00-22.00. Big nights Thurs-...
21-22 Oct 2004: international conference on Teilhard de Chardin hosted by the Pontificia Universit Gregoriana.
Dine with piped tunes of Enzo Schiamone and swing to cabaret in the Eur zone. Open 20.30, show begins at 22.45.
20 Oct 2004: conference entitled Villa Strohlfern oggi in collaboration with FAI, curated by Donatella Trombadori (18.00). 21 Oct 2004: conference entitled Gli italiani nel mondo: vecchia e nuova emigrazione (17.30).
Fri-Sat, DJ Fatman and the Funky group mix play house, techno, and tribal all night long. Sun comedy acts and live music. Open 23.00 Admission varies.
Concert by the Wiener Philharmoniker, the male Choir of the Staatsoper of Vienna and the Pueri Cantores "Wiener Sangerknaben" conducted by Riccardo Muti. Music by Caldara, Vivaldi, Schubert and Mozart.
Sat 9 Oct. DJs Luis and Tony initiate the "Godfather of house night", featuring acid house music. Open 23.00. Admission 20 with consumption.
Balletto del Teatro San Carlo. 21-27 Oct 2004. In Giselle, choreography by Derek Deane. This is the production of Giselle that Deane staged for the English National Ballet after he became director of the company in 1993....
Fri-Sat, comedy nights featuring Tina Pika Show and Francesco Cicchinelli. Later disco-bar with house, commercial, and revival music. Open 20.30, admission varies.
Chamber music concert by the Concerto Italiano conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini. The event, with music by Monteverdi, Panni, Marenzio, DAmico, De Wert, Arc, DallOngaro and Vlad is a tribute to the poet Francesco Petrarc...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia