Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
6 Nations 2025

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Bitter yet unspoken warfare is reaching a climax in Rome between rival armies fighting for control over a vulnerable target the flocks of foreign tourists pouring into Rome. Feelings are running high, and at stake are l...
The S.Susanna Lending Library in Via XX Settembre 15 is holding a book sale featuring hundreds of English-language works 23-24 Oct, from 10.00-12.30. Most titles will cost under e5. The library has just finished catalo...
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Looking for more out of life? Come along to our Open Event and see what the Open University can do for you. We are the acknowledged expert in helping people study in their own time. All courses are taught in English, and...
What a joy it is to ride around the streets of Rome. Cycling in this kamikaze city seems more dangerous than romantic but in fact it is both, and as one man shouted in a spirit of camaraderie it is the mode of transport...
Musica per Roma. Piano Solo 2004-2005: jazz piano recital by the Cuban musician Gonzalo Rubalcaba (21.00).
The theological lectures organised for lay people by the Vincent Pallotti Institute will begin again on 14 Oct with an eight-week course on the subject Dying and rising with Christ. The course will cover such topics as...
The disadventures of a young lady, from a Renaissance tuscan pice, recovered by Prof. Doglio, and produced by Luciano Alberti.
All flesh is grass, yet today many of us live our lives so far removed from agriculture that this oft quoted statement has little real meaning. David Bellamy in Botanic Man. One morning, in December, I paid my usu...
The theological lectures organised for lay people by the Vincent Pallotti Institute will begin again on 14 Oct with an eight-week course on the subject "Dying and rising with Christ". The course will cover such topics a...
There are many opportunities for volunteer work around Rome. The Samaritans provide confidential, emotional support over the telephone and via email for the suicidal and the depressed. In Rome, volunteer training begins...
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I have always thought that it is good for both men and women to groom themselves. Today, the average male or female devotes a precious 45 minutes each day in front of a mirror in search of a look. The man wants the magic...
The last stage of the American presidential elections has seen the often overlooked constituency overseas Americans turning out in higher numbers than ever before to register to vote. There has never been an official c...
One woman out of nine will develop a malignant growth in her breasts at some point in her life. Women from wealthier parts of society and industrialised countries, as well as those over the age of 50, are most at risk, a...
18 Oct-4 Nov 2004. Conducted by Gary Bertini, directed by Alfredo Arias, with Desire Rancatore, Beatrice Uria-Monzon, Sonia Ganassi, Giuseppe Sabbatini and Michele Pertusi.
Low cost airlines are offering new destinations for travellers to and from Rome and some of the regular airlines have introduced special low price tickets for the low season winter months. Wizz, the Hungarian-based line...
18 Oct-4 Nov 2004. Conducted by Gary Bertini, directed by Alfredo Arias, with Desire Rancatore, Beatrice Uria-Monzon, Sonia Ganassi, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Michele Pertusi.
Thanks to a campaign in favour of breast feeding, 95 per cent of Rome's mums now say they will breast feed their babies when they leave hospital, an incease of 20 per cent since the campaign started about 18 months ago....
The presidents of three of Rome's largest immigrants communities, Albanian, Bangladeshi and north African, have started a hunger strike in protest against the length of time it takes to renew a permesso di soggiorno in R...
Rome is getting ready for the arrival of some 4 million starlings that migrate from north to south Europe with the arrival of winter. Many Romans will remember them from the magnificent patterns they make in the sky as t...
Concert by the Orchestra Giovanile Italiana conducted by Daniele Gatti. Music by Wagner and Mahler (21.00).
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