AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

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24-26 Sept 2004. With Yolande Mukagasana and the Belgian Groupov Company directed by Jacques Delcuvellerie. The protagonist of this powerful production starts her narrative by telling the audience she is not an actress,...
Nuove tendenze nella tradizione del tappeto. 24 Sept-9 Oct 2004. Fifty carpets on show created by contemporary designers illustrate new tendencies and tastes in carpet-making.
Smiling H2 - 724x450
24 Sept-2 Oct 2004. Conducted by Michael Guttler, directed by Italo Nunziata.
24 Sept-3 Oct 2004. Conducted by James Conlon, directed by Andrei Serban, with Vladimir Ognovenko, Clifton Forbis, Robert Brubaker and Elena Zaremba. The Autumn Season The summer has just come to a close. The open-ai...
Many banks across Italy will be closed on 10 September as staff strike in favour of better pay and work conditions. Alitalia employees called off a 24-hour strike in protest against thousands of layoffs threatened by...
Italian non-governmental agencies will not be withdrawing volunteers from Iraq in the wake of the kidnapping of two Italian women in Baghdad, along with two of their Iraqi colleagues on 7 September. The determination to...
Rome's first toy museum is set to open in Villa Ada on Via Salaria in spring 2006. The 30,000 piece collection is one of the largest and most prestigious in the world and was sold to the city by the Swedish entrepreneur...
Via degli Equi, 25 from 10 am to 8 pm books, clothes, cds, trinkets, etc to support campaigns in Guinea.
There will be a multi-religious demonstration in Rome's Piazza del Campidoglio on Saturday 11 September at 20.30 in memory of the innocent victims of the attack on the Twin Towers in New York in 2001. The event is being...
9 Sept- 9 Jan 2005. Using the fruit of recent archaeological research, this major exhibition at the British Museum leads the visitor through the fascinating history of Sudan from the early Stone Age to the 19th century A...
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
6 Nations 25
23-24 Sept 2004. In Que ma joie demure, choreography by Batrice Massin. Crafted to fit and exhalt Bachs Brandenburgh Concertos, the work is like a music score for steps and choreographic designs, proving that baroque mus...
22 Sept-9 Jan 2005. A vast retrospective of paintings, photographs, graphic works, drawings and films celebrate the father of Pop Art.
Rome's moderate Muslims are being invited to hold a demonstration at the Campidoglio, the famous square on the Capitoline hill in Rome, on 11 September. The demonstration, against terrorism, will be in memory of the inno...
Schools in Rome are about to re-open. Some high schools open on Friday 10 September and by 16 September all of the 420,000 school children in Rome and Lazio will be back at work. As a result traffic throughout the city w...
The bones of two British soldiers killed in action during world war two have recently been found by a farmer near Aprilia. The two soldiers will be given a solemn funeral on 9 September at 10.00 at the Beachhead (Falasc...
Capri, Elba on 37-foot sailboat moored Fiumicino. Weekends 160/190, week 350/550. Daniel 347-955-7717;
21 Sept-9 Oct 2004. The festival was created by violinist Uto Ughi with the aim of taking classical music out of its ivory tower to young listeners. The 12 concerts that make up the programme feature many young musicia...
From 9 - 17 September there will be special showings in Rome cinemas of more than 60 films from the Venice film festival every evening from 20.30. This is an opportunity to see festival films in advance of their general...
Michele Pogliani Dance Company presents the PIDYEFFE Collective performing 3 shocking choreographies of modern dance from "Nouvelle Vogue".
4 Sept-23 Jan 2005. This is the first major exhibition dedicated to Turner's Venice works, the result of his three short stays there between 1819 and 1840. There are some 120 works on show, oils, water colours, drawings...
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360