Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

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Balletto del Teatro Massimo. 24-30 April 2004. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Amedeo Amodio, music by Berlioz.
Wainting 4 Tony Touch...Special guest from HitChannel@akab>>TINTIN THE KOOLNESS..INFOLIST>3343594901 DON'T MISS IT!!!
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano. Music by Haydn, Kodaly, Strauss (18.30). Repeated 26 April 2004 (21.00), 27 April 2004 (19.30).
Per Piano Solo. Piano recital by Enrico Camerini. Music by Schumann (17.00).
23-24 April 2004. In Zweiland, choreography by Sasha Waltz, probably the most interesting disciple of the mother of dance/theater, Pina Bausch.
Balletto di Roma. 23 April 2004. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Fabrizio Monteverde, music by Prokofiev, with Raffaele Paganini and Monica Perego.
23 April-15 June 2004. For FotoGrafia works by the three photographers.
23 April-7 May 2004. For the Maggio Musciale Fiorentino, conducted by Zubin Mehta, directed by Graham Vick. The 67th Maggio Musicale Fiorentino festival opens with Die Meistersinger von Nrnberg by Richard Wagner, 23 Apr...
23 April-23 June 2004. Mozarts Idomeneo is the second opera directed by Graham Vick in this festival; it goes on stage at the Teatro alla Pergola, 23 May-3 June. The next opera in the programme is the Dallapiccola diptyc...
A two-week campaign in the Lazio region has ended with a 27 per cent increase in blood donations. The initiative aimed to make Lazio self-sufficient in its blood supplies; the region currently imports nearly 30,000 units...
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
FiR 320 x 480 H3
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Trumpet and organ recital by Sandro Verzari and Loris Gay. Music by Gabrielli, Stradella, Corelli (21.00).
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. Piano recital by Michele Campanella. Music by Brahms (21.00).
Tuscany the region that is home to some of Italy's most popular wines is experimenting with new ways to increase awareness about the effects of alcohol, in a month-long campaign. Three-quarters of Italians drink alcoh...
This year's Telecom Italian Masters tennis tournament takes place at the Foro Italico in Rome from 1-16 May. Now in its 61st year, the tournament is Italy's most important tennis competition and features many of the worl...
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Piano recital by Maurizio Pollini. Music by Shoenberg, Schumann, Chopin (21.00).
21 April-21 May 2004. Photographs by Laura Sonnino Jannelli.
21-24 April 2004. With the Cheek by Jowl company directed by Declan Donnellan and with Nonso Anozie in the lead role. Donellan is an acclaimed English contemporary theatre director, and Anozie has recently gained approva...
23 April-23 June 2004. Mozarts Idomeneo is the second opera directed by Graham Vick in this festival; it is on stage at the Teatro alla Pergola, (23 May-3 June). The next opera in the programme is the Dallapiccola diptyc...
There will be a free concert by the Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra from the United States and the choir of Franco Maria Saraceni at the Universit La Sapienza in Rome, on Sat 17 April in the universitys Aula Magna...
A peaceful and colourful demonstration was held in the Piazza Venezia in Rome on Sunday by the supporters of Romulo Sabio Salvador. Salvador, from the Philippines, is the man who won the most votes in the elections, hel...
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