Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
RCC 700x180

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14 April-9 May 2004. In Swan Lake, choreography by Vladimir Bourmeister, music by Tchaikovsky, with guest artist Svetlana Zacharova. This version of Swan Lake was created in 1953 and marks a new entry into the repertoire...
In the municipality elections 17 of the 19 seats were won by candidates from Asia; nine by candidates from the Philippines, six from Bangladesh, two from Sri Lanka. One seat was won by a candidate from Africa, a Mali na...
Taco 724 x 450
I Concerti del Tempietto. Recital by Linda Valente soprano, and Fabio Di Cocco piano. Music by Gershwin and others including jazz improvisations (17.15).
In the Rome city elections for immigrant representatives to sit on the city and the municipal councils, 18,918 people voted out of the 33,000 registered voters, a turnout of 57.33 per cent. The four (non-voting) seats on...
I Concerti del Tempietto. Piano recital by Sascia Bajcic. Music by Bach, Haydn, Brahms (17.15).
11 April 2004. Organ recital by Massimiliano Muzzi. Music by Mozart and others (17.00).
Easter Concert by the Orchestra e il Coro del Festival di Pasqua conducted by Walter Attanasi, with Montserrat Caball soprano. Handels oratorio The Resurrection (20.30).
9 April 2004. Concert by the choir of monks of S. Anselmo: the Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae (20.30).
8 April 2004. Organ recital by Roberto Dioletto. Music by Bach, Brahms, Gounod and others (17.00).
8 April-29 June 2004. The exhibition sheds light on the little-known painters of the pre-Renaissance period in Rome, mainly from the late 9th to the early 15th century.
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AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
Marymount - International School Rome
I Concerti del Tempietto. Via Crucis: 14 brief cantatas for voice and instruments by Isabella Foschini (17.15).
8-9 April 2004. Mozarts glorious Requiem is tackled by international star Giuseppe Picone and 15 dancers, choreographed by Chiara Tanesini, together with the Haydn Orchestra, a choir of 24 singers, electric guitars, synt...
The annual Rome spring marathon will take place on Sunday 28 March. The race, 42 kms long, has attracted more than 9,200 competitors and it will start and finish in the Via dei Fori Imperiali. The race goes to the centra...
Italian trades unions have confirmed a general strike for Friday 26 March in protest against proposed pension and education reforms and the increase in the cost of living. It will involve public employees at regional a...
Italy, the country with one of the lowest birth rates in the world, has the most expensive baby milk powder in Europe . (1 Kg of Nestles milk powder costs 32 in Milan and 16,60 in Berlin). It is so expensive that the min...
Clocks go forward one hour during the night between Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 March.
7 April 2004. Concert by Paolo Tagliapietra organ and the ensemble "Voci Italiane", with Rita Pillitu soprano, Massimo Ianone tenor, Flavia Caniglia mezzosoprano, Renato Vielmi bass. Music by Caldara and Paisiello (20.30...
TeatroDanza Tiziana Arnaboldi. 8 April 2004. In Quando le donne si raccontano. Viaggio nelluniverso femminile, choreography by Arnaboldi with the collaboration of Bruno Stori.
6 April 2004. Organ recital by Luca Purchiaroni. Music by Frescobaldi, Froberger, Buxtehude (17.30).
Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia and with the Coro Lirico Sinfonico Romano directed by Stefano Cucci. Mozarts Requiem and Ave Verum Corpus (21.00).
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360