6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Smiling H1 - 700x180

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Until 7 July. It is just over 200 years since French writer, Catholic apologist and politician Franois-Ren de Chateaubriand published his influential book Le Gnie du Christianisme, emphasising the aesthetic and human app...
The tiny Villa Lais in Piazza Cagliero off Via Tuscolana to the east of Romes city centre appears better suited as a play area and venue for the Sunday afternoon passeggiata than as the city councils answer to the questi...
Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Jess Curtis Gravity Physical Entertainment and Fabrikcompanie. 28 June-13 July. In Fallen, choreography by Curtis. Curtiss artistic language is made up of a mix of dance, theatre and aerial acrobatics. Teatrino delle Sei...
1-26 July. Organised by the Associazione Musicale Romana, these concerts take place in the beautiful botanical gardens in Largo Cristina di Svezia 23/a. The programme ends with a guitar recital by Pierluigi Corona, music...
4 July-23 Sept. Dance, theatre and concerts, as well as night-time guided tours (see Visits) in the spectacular setting of the Fori Imperiali. All performances start at 21.00, tickets cost 12. 4-5 July, ballet, choreog...
11-20 July 2003. This is one of Europes most important jazz festivals, with ten days of music from morning to well after midnight in scattered venues and out on the streets. Events to look out for are those with Keith J...
Covent Garden: two people sitting at a caf, telling stories, exchanging experiences. Choreography: Alicia Bonfiglioli. Music directed by Massimiliano Tisano
Each Monday in July... Programm: 8.30 pm Spanish specialities-buffet (reservation required) 10.30 pm GITANOS - live concert 12.00 pm dj *miguel-angel*
18, 21 and 23 July. Nocturnal visits to the Fori Imperiali start at Trajan's markets and then move on to the Torre delle Milizie, open to the public after many years of closure.
9-18 July 2003. A programme of concerts organised by the prestigious Accademia Musicale Chigiana. Concerts take place in beautiful churches and squares around the city.
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Smiling H3 - 320x480
A book of stories written by passengers on Rome's public transport system has been published under the title "Parole in corsa". The 173 tales were selected from more than 300 sent to the Trambus web site (www.trambus.com...
An unreleased film starring the late Alberto Sordi, the popular Roman star of movies including "Un americano a Roma", could be shown in the Piazza Campidoglio in the autumn, Rome's mayor Walter Veltroni has suggested. "L...
An Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) has opened in the Vatican that gives instructions to users in Latin. "Inserito scidulam quaeso ut faciundam cognoscas rationem", the initial screen commands. The cashpoint can only be us...
4-12 July. Festival dedicated to the cultures of sub-Saharan Africa, with debates, dance, theatre, folk music, film screenings, exhibitions and food. Sat 5 July is dedicated to the independence day of Capo Verde, an arch...
From July 4th to 6th. Theme: "Give God Glory". All interested are most welcome. Entrance free.
1-6 July. A 19th-century executioner, played by Ninetto Davoli, describes the people whose heads he's cut off in a surreal monologue that takes spectators through Villa Borghese (21.30). The meeting point is at the Giard...
Gay Pride week in Rome opens on Sat 27 June. There will be seven days of music, cinema, theatre, and conferences along the Tiber Bank between Porta Portese and the Isola Tiberina. The annual Gay Pride parade takes place...
Until 6 July. Documents from the state archives provide a snapshot of the 1953 elections in Italy. At the time the centrist majority, led by Christian Democrat Alcide De Gasperi, provoked protest from the left-wing oppos...
New York photographer Miriam Leuchter explores the false innocence of childhood through ten large-scale color works.
27 June-2 Aug 2003. The dance festival directed by Gian Mesturino celebrates 25 years with a rich programme. It opens with a performance by the Compagnia del Nuovo di Torino and former Cullberg Ballet star Pompea Santoro...
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360