Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP

Adda Danza.

21 May-26 June 2004. The ninth edition of this festival, which takes place in and around Trezzo sullAdda, between Milan and Bergamo, is about renewal. It moves forward from the traditional late summer slot and to a new industrial venue in Trezzo, the newly-renovated Taccani power plant. The programme is also more daring than usual with special attention to Italian contemporary dance featuring Virgilio Sieni and his Messaggero Muto (11 June), Matteo Levaggis Alice nel paese delle meraviglie by the Balletto Teatro di Torino (13 June), Roberto Cocconi and his Arearea Company in Tra (tre) (19 June), Teri Weikel (17 June), and finally Aline Nari with Air Suite (26 June).

General Info

Address For information tel. 0290933208.

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Adda Danza.

For information tel. 0290933208.

Temple ASAP
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
AUR 320x480
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360