Alceste by Gluck.
23 Dec-2 Jan 2005. The Teatro Regio di Parma inaugurates its season with Glucks Alceste (23 Dec-2 Jan 2005). This is a most successful and convincing attempt to revive 18th century opera. Alceste returns to Italy after many years the last performance was in Milan 20 years ago. The protagonist is Anna Caterina Antonacci, a singer who moves easily from Monteverdi to Berlioz and who has a strong personality and stage presence. After a moment of crisis, she finally seems to have reacquired good vocal form. The producer is Liliana Cavani, who in the past has offered beautiful interpretations of 18th-century French theatre with Glucks Iphignie en Taurine and Cherubinis Mde. The concert master and orchestral conductor is Bruno Bartoletti. Paolo Di Nicola
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Alceste by Gluck.
Teatro Regio di Parma, tel. 0521034369.
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