Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Smiling H1 - 700x180

Amy Cheung, Alessia De Montis, Tamara Repetto, Elisa Strinna, Anna Tuori. Ab Origine

Our readers what's on:

Z2O Galleria | Sara Zanin opens the new art season with the group show Ab Origine. The Latin expression Ab Origine – literally "from the origin" – becomes a metaphorical interpretation to analyze the researches of the exhibiting artists, who, despite being different, are all characterized by strong evocative power and great imaginative capacity. It is a backward route that attempts toexplore perceptively, mentally and culturally the relationship between human and natural dimension, by tracing possible continuities, overlaps, dyscrasias. The Chinese artist Amy Cheung – Hong Kong Pavillon at the 52th Venice Biennale 2007 – presents “Imagine Hero" (2013) which is the result of collaboration with the American psychologist Philip Zimbardo, creator of the legendary Stanford Prison Experiment. Alessia De Montis’ multimedia installation “Still Life: Seasons” (2007-2013) focuses on the study of changes in perceptual and emotional landscape. Tamara Repetto presents the centerpiece of a new work that, like the previous ones, through a close bond between art and technology and a multi-sensory installationdimension, seeks to immerse the viewer in a perceptual world. Elisa Strinna presents previously unseen re-editions of two projects displayed in 2011 at the MACRO in Rome, The Apple Girl (2011) and Variation on the Basket Fruit (2011). The pictorial research of the Finnish artist Anna Tuori belongs to a Romantic tradition that explores the resonances between nature and human inner world.

General Info

Address via della vetrina 21, Rome

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Amy Cheung, Alessia De Montis, Tamara Repetto, Elisa Strinna, Anna Tuori. Ab Origine

via della vetrina 21, Rome

Temple ASAP
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