Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Acorn P H1 - 700 x 180

April at Ponte Ponente

Throughout April this library organises a series of animated lectures and workshops for children.

On 2 April at 10.30 will take place Mattinata con il Collage: children aged three and older are entertained with a series of lectures and workshops on collage technique. €15.

On 4, 11, 18 April at 17.00 Carla Ghisalberti reads novels by Gianni Rodari in the series Altrondo, The Lair of Small Readers, dedicated to kids aged five to seven. €15 for four sessions.

On 6, 13, 20 April at 10.45 Fiona Walsh holds My First English!, a workshop for the smallest, who are introduced to the English language through an innovative method. 100 € for ten lessons.

On 6 April at 16.30 takes place MontaSmonta le Storie!, in which the publishing company Inkonthesky tells children aged three and older a series of “transparent” stories.

On 9 April at 17.00 the architects Sara and Margherita hold Architetture in Città and try to imagine, with the help of children, an ideal, three-dimensional city, filled with colours. €9.

On 13 April at 16.30 Si Va In Scena! For children aged four and older a shadow theatre on the history of Pinocchio, followed by a workshop on how to create personalized puppets. €8.

On 14 April at 10.30 in Le Noticine Raccontano, Kim will accompany children aged three and older on a journey to discover music and the lives of composers. A biological snack will be offered. €12.

On 16 April at 10.45 Romina and Daria from the Leche League hold a talk Milk, Milk, Milk and explore the importance of breast feeding with pregnant women and mothers. Booking suggested.

On 20 April at 17.00 for the series Piccoli Lettori Crescono, children aged two and older will listen with their parents to some funny animated lectures.

On 21 April at 17.00 Primavera in Libreria offers children aged three and older an amusing afternoon with some animated lectures on spring, flowers and colours by “Il Semaforo Blu”. €6.

On 23 April there is a series of events for children of all ages to mark World Book Day.

On 26 April at 10.30 for the series Una Mattinata con le Mani in Pasta children aged three and older will learn how to prepare Italian potato gnocchi and fettuccine pasta. €15.

On 27 April at 17.00 Ma Quante Belle Novità: children aged three to nine are introduced to new books from the book fair in Bologna.

General Info

Address Ponte Ponente, Via Mondovì 19-21-23, tel. 06 45426682.

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April at Ponte Ponente

Ponte Ponente, Via Mondovì 19-21-23, tel. 06 45426682.

Taco 724 x 450
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Smiling H3 - 320x480
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