Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP

Architecture and Memory

From the 1950s to the present day, the exhibition presents the work of three photographers – Jaroslav Poncar, Sergio Pucci and Oscar Savio – and their different ways of approaching architecture and the appearance and fascination of inhabited spaces and the memories they preserve, through documentation and interpretation.

The exhibit is open free of charge during normal museum hours, in the first-floor library of MACRO's CRDAV – Centre for Research and Documentation of Visual Arts. CRDAV will at the same time also put on display the publications it had produced during its two decades of work to document visual arts in Italy in general, and more specifically in Rome.

Follow the work of CRDAV on Twitter with the hashtag #architextureandmemory.

Photos: Jaroslav Poncar and Oscar Savio

General Info

Address MACRO, Via Reggio Emilia, Via Nizza
Architecture and Memory  - image 1
Architecture and Memory  - image 2

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Architecture and Memory

MACRO, Via Reggio Emilia, Via Nizza

Youtube Video

RCC -  724x450
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
RCC 320x480
Acorn High H5 bis 1400 x 360