Ascanio Celestini.
27 Oct 2006. In Il tempo del lavoro, with the musicians Roberto Boarini, Gianluca Casadei and Matteo DAgostino. While conducting the research for his work entitled Fabbrica, Celestini gathered personal accounts connected to work and labour in Italy. These are the stories of factory workers, farmers, miners and rice-pickers that tell of human fatigue and social history. Celestini is an author, actor and monologist who has gained critical and public acclaim for his rap-artist-like monologues that combine storytelling with anthropological investigations. His texts are often based on hundreds of taped interviews with witnesses, survivors, etc.
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Ascanio Celestini.
Auditorium-Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 199109783.
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